
  • Zhuoma;Drolma;Dolma;Droma
  1. 扎西和卓玛是一对生活在亚拉青波的爱人。

    Tashi and Drolma were a couple living in Yarlha Chenbo Pasture .

  2. 仇恨在卓玛的心里溢满,而她并没有把这些写在脸上。

    Drolma was full of hate , but she didn 't show any hint on her face .

  3. 我们找到的卓玛之家在这个地方非常的专业。

    We found Zhuo Ma and family to be experts on the area .

  4. 扎西像雄鹰一样勇敢矫健,卓玛像月亮一样美丽温柔。

    Tashi was brave and strong like an eagle , and Drolma was beautiful and sweet like the Moon .

  5. 他们试图抢回武器,可是卓玛她们并没有留下机会。

    They tried to snatch away their weapons , but Drolma and her fellows didn 't let this happen .

  6. 是吃午饭的时间了,扎西和卓玛相依着走回他们简陋的木屋,并不知道他们的命运即将完全改变。

    Time for lunch , Tashi and Drolma were walking back to their simple wooden house , totally had no idea that their doom was coming .

  7. 我们非常容易的到了公园。多亏了卓玛之家使得我们没有了跟团旅游住大酒店而进入景区的麻烦。

    We had easy access to the park , yet Zhuo Ma 's home is thankfully separate from the group-tour big-hotel madness of the park entrance area .

  8. 扎西当然明白,可是看着卓玛脖子上的钢刀,他别无选择。在两条豺狼得意的注视下,他慢慢放下了手中的武器

    Tashi certainly understood what would happen , but looking at the blade on Drolma 's neck , he had no choice . Slowly , he put down his knife