
qiān jīn
  • daughter;a thousand pieces of gold;wealthy;a lot of money;a thousand jin gold
千金 [qiān jīn]
  • (1) [a thousand jin gold]∶一千斤金子

  • (2) [daughter]∶女儿。用于称他人的女儿,有尊贵之意

  • (3) [wealthy]∶指很多钱,形容富贵

千金[qiān jīn]
  1. 任何一个成功的管理者都是千金难求的。

    Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold .

  2. 春宵一刻值千金。

    Night hours in spring are extremely precious .

  3. 你有几位千金?

    How many daughters do you have ?

  4. 秤砣虽小压千金。

    The small sliding weight ( of a steelyard ) can balance a thousand jin .

  5. NotforalltheteainChina在任何情况都不;千金不换例句:就算有天大的好处,我都不会辞掉我的工作。

    I wouldn 't quit my job for all the tea in China .

  6. 据报道,王子喜得千金。ecstatic表示狂喜的,欣喜若狂的。新总统受到狂热人群的热烈欢迎。

    The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd .

  7. 郭魄给燕昭王讲了一个“千金买骨”的故事。

    Guo Kui told him the story of " Buying Bones with 1000 Pieces of Gold " .

  8. 贤人林回在逃亡途中,因不堪重负,扔掉了价值千金的家传玉璧,背着自己刚刚出生的儿子,继续逃难。

    During his abscondence , the overburdened wise man Lin Hui cast away his invaluable1 jade2 passed from his ancestors and chose to advance with his newly born son .

  9. 庄子接着说:“那个人得了秘方,像得了千金宝贝,就取去游说吴王。这时,越国侵犯吴国,吴王便派他去带兵迎战。”

    Zhuang Zi continued : " The man who got the prescription felt as if he had gotten 1000 pieces of gold . He went to the King of Wu to sell this idea . " At the time , the State of Yue invaded the state of Wu .

  10. Facebook(脸书)创始人马克·扎克伯格和妻子普莉希拉·陈迎来了他们的第一个孩子——取名麦柯斯的小千金,并借此机会宣布,二人将把450亿美元财产的大部分捐献出去。

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have welcomed their first child - a baby girl called Max - into the world , and used her arrival to announce plans to give away most of their $ 45 billion fortune .

  11. 加味千金苇茎汤治疗AECOPD,疗效确切,并有改善患者肺功能和气道粘液-纤毛清除功能的作用。

    MQWD exerts a certain effect in the treatment of AECOPD patients with phlegm-heat congesting lung , and can improve the lung function and airway pili-phlegm clearance .

  12. 此外,文章结合千金药业股份有限公司未来发展战略,结合360度考评和MBO导向的绩效评价与管理的体系和方法,提出适应该企业未来发展的绩效管理体系的重构方案。

    In addition , the article with future development strategy daughter Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. , with 360-degree evaluation , and MBO-oriented performance evaluation and management of the system and method is proposed to adapt to the future development of the enterprise performance management system , the reconstruction program .

  13. 阿内勒在首场比赛开赛10分钟后喜得千金,作为南非球队的超级球迷,这位新妈妈给女儿起名FIFA(国际足联的英文缩写)。

    Anele Ntshinga could hardly contain her excitement when she gave birth to a baby girl just 10 minutes after the opening match of the South Africa World Cup . As a big fan of the South African team , the new mother named her daughter " Fifa , " after the sporting body FIFA that governs world soccer .

  14. 一位男歌手这样唱道:大家不必看烟花,我们自己做烟花,国庆之夜值千金,你的心思我明白,我们来个小宝宝,SDU也喜欢。

    ' Let 's not watch fireworks , let 's make ' em instead , ' the rap 's male vocalist croons . ' It 's National Night and I want a baby , boo , I know you want it , so does the SDU . '

  15. 补片在妇产科疾病中的临床应用及其生物相容性高效液相色谱法测定妇科千金片中盐酸巴马汀的含量

    Clinical application and biocompatibility of patches in obstetrics and gynecology diseases

  16. 健康(不是财富)才是千金难买的福气。

    Good health , not wealth , is an invaluable blessing .

  17. 千金黄连丸加味方对胰岛素抵抗小鼠肾脏的影响

    Effect of Qianjin Huanglian pill on kidney in insulin resistance mice

  18. 这是个千金难买的主意,对不对?

    It was a capital thought , wasn 't it ?

  19. 孙思邈与龙宫方&《千金方》中的佛教医学

    Sun Simiao and Dragon Palace Formulas Buddhist Medicine in Thousand Golden Prescriptions

  20. 强尼打算和一个富家千金结婚。

    Johnny has views upon a rich man 's daughter .

  21. 老马赶紧打哈哈:大家千金都是这样的。

    Chin rushed feeling : you old horse like this .

  22. 千金苇茎汤加味治疗恶性肿瘤放射性肺炎36例

    36 Cases of Malignant Tumor Radiation Pneumonia Treated in Modified Phragmitis Decoction

  23. 很多人都是价值千金的。

    For many people , they are worth their weight in gold .

  24. 千金苇茎汤联合抗生素治疗慢性支气管炎急性发作48例

    48 Cases of Acute Episode of Chronic Bronchitis in Phragmitis Decoction Combined Antibiotics

  25. 论《千金方》对推拿学的贡献盘活一天中的金餐

    Discussion on the contribution of Thousand Golden Prescriptions to the art of tuina

  26. 真是个千金难买的早晨,夫人。

    Isn 't this a priceless morning , madam ?

  27. 决没有一位美神的千金能有这样的魅力;

    There be none of Beauty 's daughters With a allure like thee ;

  28. 爱玛是一对千金小姐中那个小的。

    Emma was the youngest of the two daughters .

  29. 她只是另一个富家千金,对吗?

    She 's just another rich girl , right ?

  30. 这一年,他开始撰写《备急千金要方》。

    This year , he began to compose for emergency " Yao-party " .