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biǎn é
  • plaque;horizontal inscribed board;horizontal tablet with inscription
匾额 [biǎn é]
  • [horizontal tablet with inscription] 挂在门、墙上部的题有字的横牌

匾额[biǎn é]
  1. 大门口的一侧有块红色的匾额。

    On one side of the main entrance there 's a red plaque .

  2. 图1中的匾额是他这个时期的代表作。

    The plaque illustrated in Figure 1 is an example of his work at this time .

  3. 阿珍?也许可以送他一块匾额表彰他多年来的贡献。

    Jane : Maybe a plaque honoring his years of service .

  4. 对啊。你看,这些石碑啊、匾额。

    Yes . Look , all these stone tablets .

  5. 建筑匾额:文化品质的缩影

    Inscription board : an epitome of culture quality

  6. 他的书法作品包括匾额、对联和信札部分。

    His handwriting includes those engraved on steles , written in couplets and his letters .

  7. 这匾额对联倒是一件难事。

    The inscriptions do present a problem .

  8. 清代皇家园林匾额楹联的形式与特征

    The Form Characteristics of Inscribed Boards and Couplets in the Imperial Gardens of Qing Dynasty

  9. 这个匾额怎么奇怪了?

    How strange is this plaque ?

  10. 匾额上的字“寿协仁符”意思是施仁政者能长寿。

    The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life .

  11. 他们还告诉我在庙的入口处还有个写着梵文的匾额。

    They even say that there is a plaque at the entrance to the temple with Sanskrit writing .

  12. 最后他送了我这幅匾额,告诉我这是很多年前一位著名书法家的大作。

    So he gave me this , telling me it was painted by a famous calligrapher many years ago .

  13. 祠堂大门上的匾额写着四个大字:全村一姓。

    Above the door of this temple , there were inscribed the words : WE ARE ALL FROM ONE FAMILY .

  14. 形式可分匾额、对联、挂屏、屏风和家具装饰几类。

    Forms can be divided into plaque , couplets , hanging , folding screens and furniture , decorated several categories .

  15. 这些佛教思想可以从绘画、雕刻、匾额、植物等一些园林景观的塑造中体现出来。

    These Buddhist ideas can be reflected in the shape of the landscape paintings , sculptures , plaques , plant .

  16. 亭身是空透的,亭檐上悬挂着清朝乾隆皇帝书写的历下亭匾额。

    The pavilion is open with a stele hanging on the eave inscribed by the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty .

  17. 本文共分为五章,绪论部分对匾额习俗的内容与来源作一界定并论述了匾额习俗的研究意义与现状。

    The Introduction part defines the concept of stele custom and discusses the its significance and current situation of the study .

  18. “各处匾额对联断不可少,亦断不可定名。”

    " The inscriptions for different places can 't be dispensed with , but neither can they be fixed in advance . "

  19. 通过对传统园林植物景观与匾额楹联之间关系的探讨,会给我们现代园林植物配置与景题设计带来不一样的启示。

    Researching the relationship between plantscape and tablets and couplets , that would give us inspiration for plant disposition and title designing .

  20. 匾额,曾是中华传统文明中的一朵奇葩,也是绝妙的书法艺术和精致的雕刻手工。

    Horizontal inscribed boards used to be a rare flower of the Chinese traditional civilization as well as perfect calligraphies and exquisite woodcuts .

  21. 在这道宫门的顶端挂着一幅木制匾额,刻有圆明园这三个由康熙亲笔书写的大字。

    On top of the gate hung a wooden tablet with three large Chinese characters , yuan ming yuan , in the style of Kangxis calligraphy .

  22. 刻有文字或图案的直立石板,用作纪念碑或建筑物表面的纪念匾额。

    An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface , used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building .

  23. 山门前,矗立着黄墙照璧,门首悬挂着古寒山寺匾额。

    Before the temple gate stands a saffron yellow screen wall . On the gate is hung a horizontal board inscribed with Gu'Han'Shan'Si or the Ancient Cold Mountain Temple .

  24. 第三章分析了不同形态的匾额习俗理念的背后所赋予的生活理想,从物质形态向精神层面延伸。

    Chapter III analyzes the different forms of stele customs conferred by concept of the ideal of life , from the physical to the spiritual extension of the form .

  25. 重视楹联匾额的拟定、文士园是文化遗产,应作为文物来保护,也应作资源来适度开发。

    Garden by scholars is China civilization legacy , and should regard the cultural relic to come to be protected , and also should come to develop as the resources .

  26. 石雕与砖雕是其最有特色的建筑,它的石碑、匾额与门柱楹联纪录了淡水特有的民间习俗。

    Stone and brick sculptures constitute the major characteristics of the architecture , with various records of the special customs of Tamsui on the various monuments and plaques in the temple .

  27. 锻炼乃通向健康之门。宫门上的匾额避暑山庄乃康熙御笔。

    Exercise is a doorway to good health . The horizontal board over the gate was inscribed by Kangxi himself with the four characters Bi'Shu'Shan'Zhuang or Mountain Villa to Escape Summer Heat .

  28. 青灰色的明清古宅群落里,御赐匾额高悬厅堂,它浓缩了百年来家族的荣耀与兴旺;

    In the complex of slate-gray Ming and Qing houses , inscribed plaques bestowed by emperors hang high in halls , epitomizing the glory and prosperity of the clan during the past century .

  29. 通过对楹联匾额思想内容分类,审美价值分析,反映其在风景园林的审美价值方面所发挥的作用。

    In this essay , the author classifies the thoughts and contents of Yinglian Bian'e and analyses their aesthetic value so as to illustrate its function in the aesthetic value of landscape architecture .

  30. 作为建筑门面的一部分,匾额既能命名标志,又起到装饰之用,融雕刻、词藻、书法技艺为一身,是民众知识智慧所创造的综合性技艺的集中体现。

    As a part of the building facade , stele customs combines sculpture , words , calligraphy as an art created by knowledge and wisdom of the people integrated the concentrated expression of artistry .
