
  1. 北朝文学的发展,是通过模拟南朝文学,以北朝文学南方化的方式实现的。

    By imitating , the literature of North Dynasties graft onto the South .

  2. 它具有北朝文学起始阶段的显著特色。

    It has conspicuous characteristics of the early stage of Northern Dynasties literature .

  3. 20世纪北朝文学研究综论

    A exposition of the study on the literature in the Northern Dynasty in 20th century

  4. 北朝文学研究长期处于低谷。

    The study of native-literature in the Northern Dynasty is at all - time low .

  5. 北朝文学的研究,是古代文学研究中的薄弱点,其中原因很复杂。

    Northern Dynasty literature has been least explored in ancient literary studies for a variety of complicated reasons .

  6. 在论述北朝文学时,以文化的冲突与融合为线索,从民族文化的冲突到地域文化的融合这一发展过程来解释北朝对南朝文化的认可。

    In the Northern Dynasty literature , the conflict and fusion of culture as a clue , from cultural conflict to cultural fusion process of this one development to explain to the north of cultural recognition .

  7. 北朝文学从十六国时代到隋朝,经历了荒芜、复苏、繁荣的艰难历程,展示了其质朴,无华的不同于南方诗文欲丽的文学特征。

    Literature of the North Dynasty from periods of Sixteen Kingdoms to the Sui Dynasty which went through dullness , recovery and prosperity characterizes the purity and simple , which is different from flowery poems in the South .

  8. 北朝本土文学研究

    Study on Native-literature in the Northern Dynasty

  9. 其次,文章通过对北朝东西部文学、北地三才文学的纵横比较,认为魏收的军国词翰最能代表富有贞刚之气的北朝文学特质。

    Secondly , after a comprehensive comparison to the West and East literature and San Cai literature in Bei era , the thesis holds that the Jun Guo writing by Wei Shou mostly showed the feature of faithfulness in Bei Wei era .

  10. 《先秦汉魏晋南北朝诗》的文学价值。

    Fourth ," The Pre-qin and Han Dynasty Wei Jin Southern and NorthernDynasties Poem " literature value .