
  • 网络Fossil species
  1. 我国已知56种,其中大陆记载47种(包括1化石种),台湾记载7种,大陆和台湾共有种2种。

    There are 56 species known in China , of which 47 in the Mainland ( including 1 fossil species ), 7 in Taiwan and 2 in both Mainland and Taiwan .

  2. 经初步挖掘,化石种属主要为更新世晚期鹿属(Cervussp.)。

    Through preliminary excavation and study , the fossils are mainly represented by Late Pleistocene Cervus sp.

  3. 又根据动物化石种属判断,其生存的地质时代为晚更新世的晚期。

    According to the animal fossils , the geological age should be the late Pleistocene Epoch .

  4. 第四系和现代陆相咸化湖泊沉积中发现的钙质超微化石属种往往是海相第四系或现代海洋中常见类型。

    The calcareous nanofossils found in Quaternary and present terrestrial salinized lakes are generally the same kinds in modern oceans .

  5. 该地点属洞穴堆积,采集哺乳动物化石12种,石制品二千余件。

    The site belongs to cave accumulation , in which there are 12 mammalian fossil species and more than 2000 pieces of paleoliths .

  6. 本文描述了产自云南东部翠峰山群及邻省大致相当沉积中的工蕨化石29种。

    The zosterophylloid remains described in the present paper were found from theCuifengshan Group of eastern Yunnan and its equivalents of adjacent provinces .

  7. 描述螃蟹化石29种,包括:2新种,3种以化石形态新出现的现生种及已知种24种。

    The present report describes 29 species of crab fossils . They are 2 new species , 3 living fossils , and 24 species published elsewhere by Hu and Tao ( 1996 , 2000 ) .

  8. 化石是一种原颚龟物种,其肋骨已融合在一起。

    and belongs to a species called Proganochelys quenstedti , whose ribs had fused .

  9. 富集孢粉化石的一种方法

    A method for concentrating sporopollen fossil

  10. 化石是一种绝种了的动物,越老就越要灭绝。

    A fossil is an extinct animal . The older it is , the more extinct it is .

  11. 活化石是在种系发生中的某一线系长期未发生前进进化,也未发生分支进化。

    A " living fossil " of the species occur in a long-line forward evolution happened , was no evolutionary branches .

  12. 通过决定在化石中两种氧气的比例,研究者对动物生长环境做出有根据的推测。

    By determining the ratio of the two different types of oxygen in the fossils , researchers can make an educated guess at the temperature of the environment the animals lived in .

  13. 在巴颜喀拉山群中发现遗迹化石33属54种,为深海Nereites遗迹相的典型代表,反映出复理石相深水沉积特征;

    33 genera and 54 species of trace fossil have been discovered in the Bayan Har Shan Group , and they are typical representatives of the abyssal Nereites ichnofacies , reflecting the features of the flysch facies deep-water sedimentary environment .

  14. 晚二叠世种籽化石&新属种的发掘与建立

    Discovery and establishment for the new genus and species in Late Permian fossil of seed

  15. 通过对其进行比较系统的整理与总结,共计发现微古植物化石52属111种,按地层区划及不同时期又可划分为9个微古植物组合。

    By the systematic study , the fossils belong to 52 genus 111 species divided to 9 micro palaeophyte assemblages .

  16. 展出的化石一共有200种,从虫子到“有着尖利爪子和满嘴大牙的巨型远古虾”。

    There are200 fossil species exhibited , from worms to'giant ancient shrimp with fierce claws and a large-toothed mouth . '

  17. 世界上最大的木薯生产国尼日利亚很热衷于将其主要的作物作为化石燃料的一种替代品。

    Nigeria , the world largest producer of cassava , is keen to use its major crop as an alternative to fossil fuel .

  18. 太阳能作为最清洁的可持续性能源,已经成为传统化石燃料的一种替代能源。

    Solar energy , as the cleanest and least limited energy source , is seriously considered asan alternative to the conventional fossil fuels .

  19. 切割痕迹是骨骼和牙齿(化石)上一种常见的表面改造痕迹,也是西方微观埋藏学研究的重要内容。

    Cutmarks were a kind of surface modification marks on bones and teeth ( fossils ), which were an important aspect of microscopic taphonomy research .

  20. 本文报道了鄂尔多斯盆地西缘,桌子山、贺兰山地区中石炭统羊虎沟组介形类化石10属27种(包括9新种、2未定属种)。

    This paper deals with the Middle Carboniferous ostracod fauna from the western border area of the Ordos Basin . Twenty-seven species belonging to 10 genera were identified .

  21. 通过对肥城煤田晚石炭-早二叠世小有孔虫动物群的研究,共鉴定出小有孔虫化石25属73种。

    Based on the study of small foraminiferal fauna in the Late Carboniferous and Early Permian in Feicheng coalfield , 25 genera and 73 species of small foraminiferal fossils are identified .

  22. 通过对南海表层沉积中钙质超微化石丰度和属种组合的分析,得出化石丰度与水深的关系。

    Based on the analyses of abundance and assemblages of calcareous nannoplankton of the surface sediments from the South China Sea , the correlation between the abundance and water depth is found .

  23. 通过对山东济宁煤田(东区)太原组小有孔虫动物群的系统研究,共鉴定出小有孔虫化石28属155种。

    Based on the study on the biostratigraphy and foraminifera fauna in the Taiyuan Formation of Jining coalfield ( east area ) in Shandong province , 28 genera and 155 species of foraminifera have been identified .

  24. 研究了内蒙古东胜罕台川、碾盘梁沟和柳沟3个剖面中侏罗世孢子花粉化石34属63种,包括2个新种。

    The Middle Jurassic palynomorphs from the Yan'an Formation in Dongsheng region of Nei Monggol , consist of 63 species of fossil spores and pollen grains belonging to 34 genera , of which two species were described as new .

  25. 钙质超微化石分异度DH以及主要化石种相对百分含量的高值区的主轴线的走向与现代黄海暖流的流路密切相关。

    The trend of the main axis of the high-value area of the Shannon-Wiener Index ( D_H ) and the relative Content ( % ) of the principal calcareous nannofossil is closely related to the flow way of the warm current of the Huanghai Sea .

  26. 发掘出来堆放整齐的化石中有冠龙的化石,一种头部像摩和克人头饰的恐龙祖先。

    The stacked fossils included Guanlong , or " crested dragon ," a T.tex ancestor with a Mohawk-like head adornment .

  27. 国家化石岩矿标本库信息网站已实现化石模式种数据及图片、岩石矿物标本数据及图片的数据库管理和多手段网上查询。

    National Storehouse of fossil minerals and rocks database website has accomplished the database management of fossil module data with picture documents , rocks and minerals specimens ′ data with picture documents , and multiple approaches to online inquiry .

  28. 通过对济宁唐阳井煤田晚古生代含煤岩系中的孢粉化石的研究,共鉴定出孢粉化石71属177种。

    Based on the study of sporopollen fossils from the coal-bearing formation of the late Palaeozoic Era in Tangyang mine field of Jining , 71 genera and177 species of sporopollen are identified .

  29. 随着经济的发展,化石燃料的消耗量日渐增大。化石燃料作为一种不可再生资源已濒临枯竭,能源问题日趋严重。

    With economic development , the consumption of Fossil fuel increase gradually Fossil fuel as a kind of non-renewable resources has been on the verge of exhaustion . The energy problem become more and more serious .

  30. 通过对新汶煤田太原组和山西组中的孢粉化石的研究,共鉴定出孢粉化石52属154种,其中太原组38属140种,山西组32属135种。

    Based on the study of sporopollen fossils from Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation , 52 genera and 154 species of sporopollen are identified , which contain 38 genera and 140 species in Taiyuan Formation , 32 genera and 135 species in shanxi Formation .