
  • 网络Nuna;nouna;nunna;Richard Noone
  1. 努纳乌特是加拿大目前唯一一个还未开展铝制品回收项目的行政区。

    Nunavut is the only jurisdiction in Canada without an aluminum recycling program .

  2. 这些项目实际实施中碰到的主要困难是努纳乌特地区道路网络的不健全以及回收设施的匮乏。

    Among the challenges facing such a program are the lack of a road network and recycling facilities in the territory .

  3. 努纳伏特地区建立于1999年,旨在奠基起一块因纽特人的土地,它环绕着加拿大大部分的北极群岛;

    Mr Okalik has led Nunavut since the territory , encompassing most of Canada 's Arctic archipelago , was created in1999 to settle a land claim by the Inuit ( once known as Eskimos ) .