
  • 网络university of toronto;University of Toronto, Canada;Toronto University
  1. 加拿大多伦多大学Rubin等人提出的甲醇-己烷双液相溶剂(TPS)浸取技术可在获取高质量菜油的同时得到无毒饼粕。

    Two-liquid phase solvent ( TPS ) extraction technique , invented by Rubin et al ( University of Toronto ), could obtain high-level rapeseed oil and toxin-free meal simultaneously .

  2. 他和加拿大多伦多大学的安德拉斯。纳吉技术在老鼠和人类的皮肤细胞上使用了这项技术,并发现重编程的iPS细胞表现出和胚胎干细胞一样的特性。

    He and Andras Nagy from the University of Toronto used the technique in both mouse and human skin cells and found the reprogrammed cells behaved just like embryonic stem cells .

  3. 卡洛。格林伍德博士说,高血压、糖尿病、过于肥胖以及高胆固醇都会给你的大脑带来负担。卡洛。格林伍德(CarolGreenwood)博士是一名加拿大多伦多大学老年人研究科学家。

    High blood pressure , diabetes , obesity and high cholesterol all make life tough on your brain , says Carol Greenwood , PhD , a geriatric research scientist at the University of Toronto .

  4. 加拿大多伦多大学的McLaughlin-Rotman全球卫生中心的SarahFrew及其同事对22家中国卫生创新生物技术公司的管理层进行了采访。

    Sarah Frew and colleagues from the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health at the University of Toronto , Canada , interviewed the management of22 innovative Chinese health biotechnology firms .

  5. 韦氏毕业于加拿大多伦多大学,取得电脑科学学士。

    He holds a Bachelor of Science in computer science from the University of toronto , canada .

  6. 已与美国加州大学伯克利分校、加拿大多伦多大学签署了合作办学协议。

    The University of California , Berkeley and University of Toronto have already signed co-operation agreements with the university town .

  7. 菲尔兹是加拿大多伦多大学第一位重要的数学家,在当时享有国际声誉。

    He was the first significant mathematician at the University of Toronto , and was also internationally known at the time .

  8. 加拿大多伦多大学研究人员已经证明,仅仅看到快餐店标志,就足以加快我们的的反应。

    Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada have shown that merely being exposed to a fast food logo speeds up our reactions .

  9. 加拿大多伦多大学的研究人员称,该研究证明传说中的窈窕淑女是有现实的科学依据的。

    Academics at the University of Toronto in Canada say their study proves the fair maiden of myth has a basis in scientific reality .

  10. 大学办学理念、发展战略及其对管理者素质的要求&加拿大多伦多大学办学理念及其启示

    The Idea of Running University , Development Stratagem and Requirement for Supervisor 's Diathesis & The Idea of Running University of Toronto and Its Enlightenment

  11. 我母亲生于上海,是当时加拿大多伦多大学研究生班里培养出来的第一位女性化学工程师。

    My mother , born in Shanghai , was the first female chemical engineer in her graduating class at the University of Toronto in Canada .

  12. 这项由加拿大多伦多大学心理学家杰夫?麦克唐纳领导的研究调查了126名被男生拒绝的女大学生。

    The study , which focused on the responses 126 female undergraduates had after romanticrejection , was led by University of Toronto ( Canada ) psychologist Geoff MacDonald .

  13. 这项由加拿大多伦多大学心理学家杰夫•麦克唐纳领导的研究调查了126名被男生拒绝的女大学生。

    The study , which focused on the responses 126 female undergraduates had after romantic rejection , was led by University of Toronto ( Canada ) psychologist Geoff MacDonald .

  14. 本论题的立题正是源自对该研究的重要性和迫切性的认识,以及笔者在加拿大多伦多大学留学期间学习、研究所获得的启发。

    The thesis is derived from the cognition of the importance and urgency of this research in China and the inspiration acquired from learning and research during my stay in the University of Toronto as a government-sponsored visiting scholar .

  15. 加拿大多伦多大学有150余年的历史,形成了系统、规范的政策和规定.目的和原则明确,既有通用政策与规定。

    With a history of more than 150 years , University of Toronto ( UT ) made a series of systematic and standard policies , both general and special , all of which were progressively formulated in accordance with the given obejectives and principles .

  16. Bialystock是加拿大多伦多约克大学的心理学教授。

    Ms. Bialystock is a psychology professor at York University in Toronto , Canada .

  17. 于是她转向加拿大,获得了多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)罗特曼管理学院(RotmanSchoolofManagement)MBA课程的名额。

    She turned instead to Canada , gaining a place on the MBA programme at the University of Toronto 's Rotman School of Management .

  18. 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学和多伦多大学的科学家团队为一种永远不会没电的“量子电池”制定了研发计划。

    A team of scientists from the universities of Alberta and Toronto have laid out theblueprints for a " quantum battery " that never loses its charge .