
cì qīnɡ
  • tattoo;have a tattoo done
  • tattoo
  1. paul正炫耀他的非官方刺青。

    Paul 's showing off his unofficial tattoo .

  2. 《TotalTatto》主编詹姆斯?桑德科克(JamesSandercock)说,如果希望有一个长远的未来,刺青艺术家应该将眼界拓展到身体艺术以外。

    Tattoo artists should look beyond body art if they want a long-term future , says James Sandercock , editor of Total Tattoo .

  3. 他背上满是刺青。

    His back is covered in tattoos .

  4. 或被带有病毒的小刀或细针留下伤口或刺青,这些都是造成HIV病毒感染的更可能原因。

    And scarring or tattooing with infected knives or needles are far more likely causes of HIV infection .

  5. 我发现我的后背下部有一个独角兽的刺青

    I found a tatoo on my lower back of a unicorn

  6. 你们的纹身、刺青,还有其他部位的改变。

    Of your tattoos , piercings , and other body modifications .

  7. 那个刺青的男人倒让我有点紧张。

    There was a tattooed guy that made me a little nervous .

  8. 以上就是我漫长滴刺青历程。

    That 's the story behind my long road to a tattoo .

  9. 真不敢相信你们真的要去刺青了。

    I can 't believe you 're actually getting tattoos .

  10. 看这刺青能保护我不受伤

    Look . This tattoo will protect me from harm .

  11. 我正在考虑在我的鼻子上刺青和在屁股上纹身。

    I 'm considering getting my nose pierced and my belly button ...

  12. 还有他们的手臂上都有一把刀的刺青。

    And they all had knife tattoos on their arms .

  13. 看,我还有备用的刺青袖哟。

    Look , I 've got some extra tat sleeves .

  14. 他们分享了彼此的爱情以及对身体改造(刺青穿孔)的热爱。

    They 're sharing their love for each other and for body modification .

  15. 刺青时疼不疼?

    Did it hurt when you got all those ?

  16. 看那个满身刺青的男人!他太怪了。

    Look at that guy with all the tattoos ! He is weird .

  17. 是刺青,我要去刺青啦。

    A tattoo , I 'm getting a tattoo .

  18. 她很可爱呀,不是吗?你有没有看过她的刺青?

    She is , isn 't she ? Have you seen her tattoo ?

  19. 凭你脖子上的刺青,先生

    That tattoo on your neck does , sir .

  20. 嘿你在身后喷了个小小的针状刺青

    Hey , do I spy a little pin stripping tattoo back there ?

  21. 你因为身上刺了前女友名字的刺青而感到尴尬吗?

    Are you embarrassed by your tattoo of the name of your old girlfriend ?

  22. 而对于科罗拉多州的史多尔而言,刺青根本不是问题所在。

    For Heather Gately Stoll , of Colorado , tattoos are not the issue .

  23. 浑身都是刺青和文身。

    With the body piercing and the tattoos .

  24. 去刺个鸡形刺青!

    Go get a tattoo of a chicken !

  25. 今天预约刺青的女孩,年龄26,宁夏人,服装生意。

    Tattoo appointment today , girl , age26 , Ningxia people , clothing business .

  26. 这个女孩说你有刺青。

    This girls says you got a tattoo .

  27. 一些想保留他们传统的毛利人今天仍然有刺青。

    And some Maoris who want to preserve their heritage still get tattoos today .

  28. 你这些刺青是怎么来的?

    How do you get your tattoo 's ?

  29. 你要知道每个刺青背后的故事,却又不能说破它。

    You should understand every story behind the tattoo , but never present it .

  30. 还有身体的其他9个部位上刺青和纹身。

    and nine other parts of my body .