
  • 网络Brake Pad
  1. 发烫的刹车皮暴露出来。

    Exposes the hot brake pad .

  2. 随着预期的碰撞时间的缩短,cms系统能通过将刹车皮移近制动盘来准备好突然刹车,最终当系统断定不到一秒之内就会发生碰撞时,它就启动自动刹车。

    As the anticipated time-to-impact decreases , CMS prepares the car for sudden braking by moving the brake pads nearer to the brake disks , and finally , when the system concludes that a collision is less than one second away , it starts to apply the brakes itself .

  3. 突然,三个男孩,跟我同年,骑着刺鳐牌自行车,在一阵刹车皮的尖叫声中冲到我面前停下来了。

    Suddenly , three boys my age rode up on Sting-Ray bicycles , skidding to a stop in front of me with a triple shriek of rubber .

  4. 卧式圆筒形压力储罐刹车储气筒活塞皮碗

    Bullet type tank wheel cylinder piston cup

  5. 刹车储气筒活塞皮碗

    Wheel cylinder piston cup