
  • 网络Gloria;Cayley;Arthur Cayley
  1. 众所周知,凯莱图在计算机局域网及大规模并行处理系统的设计与分析中起着重要的作用。

    It is now well known that Cayley graphs play a very important role in the design and analysis of interconnection networks for parallel processing and of local area communication networks .

  2. 第一家是香港人经营的凯莱大酒店(Gloria),于1995年开张,以假日酒店和希尔顿为首的国际大牌酒店紧随其后。

    The first was the Hong Kong-managed Gloria , which opened in1995.International brands , led by Holiday Inn and Sheraton , arrived soon after that .

  3. 关于n元生成群的凯莱图(1)

    On Caley Graphs of Groups Generated by n Elements ( 1 )

  4. 印地安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)凯莱商学院(KelleySchoolofBusiness)院长伊达莱妮•克斯纳(IdaleneKesner)教授对上述观点表示赞同。

    This view is echoed by Professor Idalene Kesner , dean of Indiana University 's Kelley School of Business .

  5. 虽然凯莱商学院的MBA课程也有在线直播课程,但这些课程不是强制性的,而且可以过后再上。

    While the Kelley MBA includes live online sessions , they are not mandatory , and can be accessed later .

  6. 卡罗琳•布塞纽斯(CarolineBussenius)是凯莱商学院战略管理硕士在线课程的一名学生,她运营着一家初创企业,需要弹性的学习时间。

    Caroline Bussenius , a student on the Kelley online masters of strategic management , runs a start-up business and needs flexibility .

  7. 库纳勒?柯斯拉(KunalKhosla)拥有美国印地安那大学凯莱商学院(IndianaUniversityKelleySchoolofBusiness)的金融学学士学位,但他选择在罗特曼管理学院攻读MBA。

    Kunal Khosla has a bachelors degree in finance from Kelley Business School at Indiana University in the US , but has secured a place at Rotman for his MBA .

  8. 克斯纳表示,就读于凯莱商学院全日制MBA的学生平均有四到五年的工作经验,而那些在线学生则为六到七年。

    While those enrolled on Kelley 's full-time MBA have on average four to five years in the workplace behind them , those studying online will have six to seven years , she says .

  9. 哈密尔顿&凯莱(Hamilton-Cayley)定理的证明及研究

    The Identification and Proving of Hamilton-Cayley Theorem

  10. 虽然刘特佐在基金中没有任何正式职务,但是2012年,英国法院的文件表示,在他代表的投资者试图以15亿美元竞购拥有凯莱奇酒店(Claridge’s)的一家酒店集团时,他拿出了1MDB发出的一封支持信。

    While Mr. Low has no official position with the fund , in 2012 it emerged in British court documents that he had presented a letter of support from 1MDB in his investors " unsuccessful bid for the hotel group that includes Claridge 's.

  11. 全文共分为五章,围绕凯莱网络中以下两部分的重要课题进行讨论:1.双环网络的寻径策略与最优设计;

    The design and optimal routing algorithm for double loop networks ;

  12. 凯莱:凡有音乐的地方,就有人。

    Gloria : Where there 's music , there 's people .

  13. 因此,毕业论文中,“有史以来最佳障眼法奖”将颁发给凯特琳?凯莱赫。

    So all-time best head fake award goes to Caitlin Kelleher 's dissertation .

  14. 我认为有史以来最善于使用障眼法的是凯特琳?凯莱赫。

    I think the best head fake of all time comes from Caitlin Kelleher .

  15. 凯莱:你们继续聊,我想打个小盹。

    Gloria : You all keep talking . I 'm gonna catch a few winks .

  16. 来自三亚凯莱度假酒店最亲切的问候!

    Greetings from Gloria Resort Sanya !

  17. 凯莱:当我们回来,我可能申请繁殖计划。

    Gloria : When we get back , I might sign up for the breeding program .

  18. 凯莱二氏社会能力量表

    Cain Levine Social Competency Scale

  19. 凯莱:噢,看我们。我们都一起在这里,安然无恙。

    Gloria : Oh , look at us . We 're all here together , safe and sound .

  20. 凯莱提出勒布朗对自己的,并以这一天他的推移,她的姓氏。

    Gloria raised LeBron on her own , and to this day he goes by her last name .

  21. 凯莱反对这一想法,怕他可能受伤,而且危及他的篮球生涯。

    Gloria was opposed to the idea , afraid he might get injured and jeopardize his hoops career .

  22. 无锡凯莱大饭店是一家全新的五星级豪华酒店,为商务、休闲客人提供一流的设施与全面的服务。

    Gloria Grand Hotel Wuxi is a new luxurious property offering comprehensive facilities and service for business and leisure travelers .

  23. 并借助哈密尔顿&凯莱定理给出计算矩阵多项式和矩阵高次幂的一般方法。

    As its application , a general solution on matrix polynomial and matrix high frequency power is obtained . Theorem C.

  24. 李春萍女士在凯莱酒店集团工作了很多年,因此对于它有着很深厚的感情。

    Her attachment to Gloria Hotels & Resorts , where she has been working for years , is very strong .

  25. 据悉,凯莱居住的小镇镇长现在已决定为朱莉·凯莱塑一座雕像,并以朱莉·凯莱的名字设立一个纪念日,表彰她英勇救人的功绩。

    The mayor of the town is planning to name a day after Cayley and is currently making a statue in her honor .

  26. 本文在复数域上证明了哈密尔顿-凯莱定理,并给出方阵A的特征多项式的全部矩阵根。

    The paper proved the Hamilton-Cayley theorem in complex number space , and indicated the all matrix root of the sign multinomial of matrix A.

  27. 凯莱作为代数不变量理论的创立者,首先脱离行列式与方程组对代数不变量本身进行研究。

    Gloria , who was the founder to the theory of algebraic invariant , studied the algebraic invariant independent of determinant and equation systems .

  28. 介绍了苏州凯莱大酒店在锅炉方面、电能控制方面、节约用水方面取得的显著成绩。

    Introduction has been given to the prominent achievement made by Suzhou Kailai Grand Hotel in the aspects of boilers and electric energy control .

  29. 现在,三亚凯莱度假酒店员工的制服也一直在不断地改进,这也是提升酒店形象的一个重要组成部分。

    Over the past years , Gloria Resort has been improving its staff uniforms , which are instrumental in promoting the hotel 's image .

  30. 在三亚凯莱度假酒店度过人生中的一段闲适时光是再合适不过的了。

    At this time of the year , nowhere is as good as a seaside retreat like Gloria Resort Sanya for a leisured holiday .