
  • 网络net present value;npv;Net Present Value Method;APV
  1. 传统净现值法低估柔性方案的价值及其改进

    Traditional NPV Method Underestimating Value of Flexible Project and Improvement

  2. 并分别采用净现值法和期权定价法来计算投资项目的净现值和股权期权价值。

    They are used in calculating NPV and the stock option value respectively .

  3. 目前企业在进行技术创新项目的评估时,所采用的大都是贴现净现值法,即NPV法。

    Currently , when the enterprises value the technique innovation items , they like to use the Discounted-Cash-Flow method , namely NPV method .

  4. 本文分析了铀矿开采项目的传统经济评价方法和实物期权法,传统经济评价方法介绍了净现值法、蒙特卡洛法、决策树法等,实物期权法有B-S定价模型和二叉树定价模型。

    In this paper , the traditional methods including NPV , Monte Carlo simulation analysis , Decision Tree and so on and the real options method including Black-Scholes and Binomial methods were discussed .

  5. 对应用最为广泛的净现值法(NPV),给出了在多种状况下的计算方法,并将它与实物期权方法进行了对比,指出了传统NPV法的不足。

    Some calculating models about net present value method ( NPV ), which is widely applied , are given . A comparison between NPV method and real options method is made , and the disadvantages of NPV method are analyzed .

  6. 第二章运用经济学原理概述了投资项目经济评价的一般程序和步骤,并介绍了投资收益率法、净现值法(NPV)、内部收益率法(IRR)等经济评价的一般方法;

    The following part briefs the general procedures and steps of the investment evaluation by using engineering economic principle , and indicates some common methods , such as investment revenue rate , net present value ( NPV ), inner revenue rate ( IRR ) and so on .

  7. 由于战略性决策是处在一个动态的经济环境中,以净现值法(NPV)为代表的贴现的决策分析方法往往低估了投资方案的价值,从而不能使决策者做出有利于企业价值增加的决策。

    Because strategic decision is in a dynamic economical environment and decision analysis method of discount taken as the representation of net present value ( NPV ) often underestimates the value of investment plan , decision maker can 't make a policy which is good to increasing enterprise value .

  8. 净现值法是进行投资决策中常用的分析方法。

    Net present value is a useful method in investment decision .

  9. 长期投资决策中净现值法的应用

    The application of net present value method in long-term investment decision

  10. 内部报酬率法新解净现值法和内部报酬率法的综合应用

    Comprehensive Applications of Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return

  11. 企业面临的一类投资决策是所谓的资本限量决策,文献1给出两种解法:获利指数法和净现值法。

    Capital rationing decision is a common problem enterprises confront .

  12. 净现值法和内部收益率法的比较

    Comparison of net present value method with internal rate of return method

  13. 投资项目净现值法的改进与应用

    Study on Improvement in Net Present Value of Investment Project and Application

  14. 在净现值法评价中单利的转换和运用

    Conversion and Application of Simple Interest in the Evaluation of Net Current Value

  15. 用传统的净现值法评估储量价值时,往往会低估储量的实际价值。

    The NPV evaluation method often underestimates the real values of petroleum reserves .

  16. 用将来净现值法确定合理井网密度

    Determination of Reasonable Well Spacing Density by Using Future Net Present Value Method

  17. 投资评价的净现值法分析研究

    The Research on NPV Method of Investment Evaluation

  18. 产品更新的财务特点及其净现值法的优化

    The Financial Properties and Optimization for the NPV of the Products ' Renewing Process

  19. 净现值法是评价投资决策优劣的较为合理的一种方法。

    The NPV method is the most valuable one to appraise the investment item .

  20. 重点评述了净现值法、收益率法的缺陷及其改进,介绍了项目平衡和投入产出比两种新的评价方法。

    Two new evaluating methods of project equalization and ratio of input-output are introduced .

  21. 净现值法&一种计算经济极限井网密度的新方法

    Net present value method ∶ a new method to calculate economy limit well density

  22. 在评价独立项目时,净现值法和内含报酬率法得出的结论是相同的。

    When evaluating independent projects , NPV method and IRR method yield the same decision .

  23. 传统的净现值法忽略实物期权的价值,可能导致投资失误。

    The Revision of the Net Present Value Method and the Option of the DiscountingRate ;

  24. 传统净现值法的局限性和解决方法

    The Limitation of NPV and Its Resolution

  25. 以净现值法为代表的传统投资决策方法的弊端主要是源于其理论方法的假设与实际情况的差异。

    The disadvantage of the tradition investment is difference between the fact and theory hypothesis .

  26. 试论净现值法在投资决策中的缺陷及改进

    Try Talking About Defect and Improvement of Net Present Value Methods in the Investment Decision Progress

  27. 净现值法是绝对数衡量项目的收益能力,而内含报酬率法是用相对数。

    The NPV method measures profitability in absolute term , whereas the IRR method measures it in relative terms .

  28. 实物期权理论作为净现值法的延伸和扩展,在实物投资领域得到了广泛应用。

    As an extension for NPV method , real options theory has been widely used in real investment decision-making .

  29. 一直以来,传统的投资决策方法(如:净现值法、内部收益率法、回收期法)是决策者的主要投资决策工具。

    Traditional valuation tools , including DCF ( Discounted Cash Flow ), are the major approaches in the investment decisions .

  30. 对产品更新换代期决策的净现值法的优化

    Optimization for NPV on the Decision in Production Renewal and Change The Differences of NPV Calculating Methods and The Elimination