
bā ɡānɡ biàn zhènɡ
  • 熟语Eight Principles of Syndrome Differentiation;analysis and differentiation of pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes
  1. [结论]八纲辨证兼顾气血痰瘀治疗慢性胃炎有较好的临床疗效,较好的HP清除作用及抗HP复发作用。

    [ Conclusion ] The said method has good clinical effect on chronic gastritis , with good HP clearing function and anti-HP recurrence .

  2. [目的]八纲辨证兼顾气血痰瘀治疗慢性胃炎的临床疗效及清除HP的疗效观察。

    [ Objective ] Observe the efficacy of treating chronic gastritis with eight-outline differentiation of signs , as well as paying attention to Qi , blood , sputum and stasis .

  3. 中医舌诊八纲辨证神经网络知识库构建

    NN Knowledge Based to TCM Tongue Diagnosis Eight Principal Syndromes

  4. 八纲辨证是中医的总的指导,是中医诊断的重要组成部分。

    The differentiation of syndromes according to the eight principles is the general guideline of TDS and important components of TCM diagnostics .

  5. 从八纲辨证的形成看八纲在中医辨证学中的作用与地位

    To Evaluate Action and Position of Eight-Principle in Science of Syndrome Differentiation in TCM by Reviewing Evolution of Syndrome Differentiation of Eight-Principle

  6. 经常运用八纲辨证,调理全身气血阴阳的平衡,以达到治疗或配合治疗局部肛肠疾病的目的。

    He often uses the eight principles differentiation , regulates the balance of body Qi and blood , Yin and Yang , to achieve the goal of treatment or cooperate with local anorectal diseases .

  7. 按八纲辨证中虚实为纲领分为虚证组和实证组两组,对比两组危重病患者血清白蛋白水平的差异。

    In accord with Eight-Principle Differentiation , 20 patients were grouped into Deficiency Syndrome group and Excess Syndrome group . Comparisons of serum albumin level between Deficiency and Excess Syndrome groups and between death and improvement groups were fulfilled .

  8. 就辨证属于肝的病例中,计数处理结果表明,实证多于虚证,热证多于寒证。提出了以脏腑辨证为纲,八纲辨证为目,内辨气血的辨证思路。

    In the cases of liver , the statistical results proved that there were more sthenia-syndromes than asthenia-syndrome , and heat-syndrome than cold-syndrome , put forward the differential theory which set the viscera as outlines , the eight principal syndromes as focuses then internal qi and blood .

  9. 电针主穴选择阿是穴、腰夹脊穴、大肠俞、环跳,并根据经络辨证和八纲脏腑辨证配穴。

    On the principle of meridian differentiation and eight-principle zang-fu organ differentiation , mainly choosing A-shi point , lumbar region jiaji point , large intestine shu , huantiao point .