
  • 网络kIa;Kachin Independence Army;KIO
  1. 缅甸军方正准备将桑卡用作对克钦独立军展开进攻的重要军事要塞基地。

    The Burmese Army is preparing to use the Sang Hka military base as a stronghold if an onslaught is launched against the KIA .

  2. 缅军桑卡基地和克钦独立军第六营据点对面。

    A Burmese Army base exists in Sang Hka and the6th battalion of the KIA is situated opposite it .

  3. 活动人士说,就像克钦独立军一样,一些军方官员也参与走私,为不法操作提供便利,从而索取贿赂。

    Like the K.I.A. , some military officers are also involved in smuggling , extracting bribes to allow the illicit practice , activists say .

  4. 穆胡考照看着七个孙子,而她的四个儿子则为缅甸边境的克钦独立军作战。

    Mui Hpu Kaw cares for seven grandchildren , while her four sons fight for the Kachin Independence Army on the Burmese side of the border .

  5. 称,无论在克钦邦克钦独立军区域附近或掸邦东北地区,没有发现新的缅军行动的证据。

    No renewed military movement by the Burmese Army is in evidence either , near KIO territories in Kachin State and Northeast Shan State , KIA officials said .

  6. 活动人士和一名中国玉石进口商说,克钦独立军还会与中国企业合作,把玉石通过丛林走私到中国,并从中牟利。

    The K.I.A. also makes money by working with Chinese companies to smuggle jade through the jungle into China , according to activists and a Chinese jade importer .

  7. 克钦独立军的盟军佤联军-缅甸最强的民族武装集团称,缅军如进入佤联军控制领土,将同样遭受打击。

    The United Wa State Army ( UWSA ), the KIA 's ally outside the UNFC and the strongest armed ethnic group said it also will fight the Burmese Army if they enter its territories .

  8. 大多数民族停火团体包括佤联军、克钦独立军,一直拒绝缅甸军政府的解除民族武装,改编为边境自卫队。

    Most of ethnic cease-fire groups , including the United Wa State Army and the KIO , have been resisting the junta 's plan for disarming the ethnic armies and transforming them into BGF units .

  9. 由于近日缅甸军队与该国最强大的反叛组织之一的克钦族独立军发生冲突,缅甸1万多难民逃亡至中国云南省西南部地区。

    Up to 10,000 refugees have fled to an area in southwestern Yunnan province , driven by fighting between Myanmar 's military and the Kachin Independence Army ( KIA ), one of the country 's most powerful rebel groups .

  10. 登盛非常清楚地说,克钦独立组织挑战军政府的耐心,现在没有改编或投降的余地。

    Thein Sein made it abundantly clear that the KIO had tried the junta 's patience and there is no more scope for transforming KIA or it surrendering weapons .

  11. 现在,即使克钦独立组织投降,军政府将不再接受,消息人士补充说。

    Now , the regime will no longer accept even if the KIO surrenders weapons , the sources added .

  12. 联络办事处位于建筑工程协会拥有地块,克钦独立组织1994年军与政府签订停火协议后开始使用。

    Its liaison office is located on land owned by a structural engineers'organisation , and the KIO has used the space since its ceasefire agreement with the junta in1994 .

  13. 缅甸对于克钦军事基地的空袭标志着与争取更大自治权的克钦独立军战斗的重大升级。

    Burmese air strikes on Kachin military positions mark a significant escalation in the battle with the Kachin Independence Army , which is fighting for greater autonomy .