
  • 网络clive;Clive Bell;Robert Clive
  1. 当我朝克莱夫看去时,他刻意地避开了我的目光。

    When I looked at Clive , he studiously avoided my eyes .

  2. 她需要时间来适应克莱夫的表白。

    She needed time to adjust to Clive 's declaration .

  3. 克莱夫发出一种声响,像是咕哝了一句。

    Clive made a noise , something like a grunt

  4. 克莱夫独自一人进了屋。

    Clive disappeared into a room by himself

  5. 9月的最后一个星期六,我收到了克莱夫的最后一封信。

    On the last Saturday in September , I received a final letter from Clive .

  6. 克莱夫,你知道,关于你上大学的事,你母亲和我意见一致。

    Clive , as you know , your mother and I saw eye to eye about sending you to university .

  7. 真不巧!我们刚坐火车去德国,克莱夫和她的妻子就离开了。

    Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train .

  8. 克莱夫是其中之一,他明年要去你的大学。

    One of them , Clive , is going to your university next year .

  9. 然而有些人,却认为她是爱丽丝塔唱片公司(AristaRecords)的克莱夫•戴维斯(CliveDavis)精心包装的产品。

    Others , though , could see she was a product of careful packaging by Clive Davis of Arista Records ,

  10. 上世纪50年代,康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)的克莱夫·M·麦凯(CliveM.McCay)和同事曾将幼龄鼠的血液输入老龄鼠体内,借此检验这一观念。

    In the 1950s , Clive M. McCay of Cornell University and his colleagues tested the notion by delivering the blood of young rats into old ones .

  11. 克莱夫•帕尔默(ClivePalmer)旗下一家公司已采取措施,将终止中国中信(Citic)在澳大利亚数十亿美元的中澳铁矿项目(SinoIronProject)的采矿权。帕尔默是澳洲的矿业大亨,也是澳洲议员。

    A company owned by Clive Palmer , the mining tycoon turned lawmaker , has moved to terminate the mining rights of China 's Citic at its multibillion dollar Sino Iron project in Australia .

  12. 同时,英国当时有数家计算机制造商,其中一家的计算机产量超过世界上的任何其他公司,这就是克莱夫•辛克莱爵士(SirCliveSinclair)的SinclairResearch公司。

    At the same time , the UK had several computer manufacturers , one of which was making more of them than any other company in the world - Sir Clive Sinclair 's Sinclair Research .

  13. 克莱夫.哈里斯:我认为,我们可以和Southford零配件公司重新谈判获取一个更好的协议。

    CLIVE HARRIS : I think we can re-negotiate a far better deal with Southford Components .

  14. 书中对克莱夫爵士的精彩轶事描写尤为精湛,使我们对1984年剑桥小酒馆发生的冲突记忆犹新,在那里克莱夫爵士与他曾经的得力助手、当时为竞争对手Acorn效力的克里斯•柯里(ChrisCurry)发生争执。

    When it steers , however , towards the colourful history of Sir Clive - especially reminding us of the 1984 fight in a Cambridge pub with his erstwhile right-hand man , Chris Curry , by then at rival Acorn - it is glorious stuff .

  15. 克莱夫,我直奔主题好吗?

    Clive , can I come to the point very quickly ?

  16. 克莱夫。哈里斯:很高兴再见到你,皮特。

    Clive harris : nice to see you again , peter .

  17. 弗朗基和克莱夫正试图爬窗而过。

    Frankie and Clive were trying to get through the window .

  18. 克莱夫。哈里斯:研发的价格会很高。

    Clive harris : it will cost a fortune to develop .

  19. 克莱夫.哈里斯:看起来有点儿像“大老板”。

    CLIVE HARRIS : It looks a bit like Big Boss .

  20. 我觉得克莱夫会成为一名出色的专业篮球选手。

    I think Clive can make a good professional basketball player .

  21. 克莱夫.哈里斯:听到你的电话真高兴。

    CLIVE HARRIS : It 's nice to hear from you .

  22. 克莱夫.哈里斯:那就等等看。

    CLIVE HARRIS : Well , let 's wait and see .

  23. 每次开车,克莱夫都觉得心惊胆战。

    Clive is on the thin ice every time he drives .

  24. 克莱夫.哈里斯:要制造的话有多困难?

    CLIVE HARRIS : How difficult will it be to manufacture ?

  25. 那天晚上你记得有看到克莱夫莫瑞在反抗么?

    That night , do you remember Clive Morin fighting back ?

  26. 英属印度的缔造者克莱夫于1774年自杀身亡。

    The founder of British india , clive , committed suicide in1774 .

  27. 阿美:我还以为你和克莱夫吵架了。

    May : I thought you had trouble with Clive !

  28. 克莱夫.哈里斯:噢,谢谢你的来访。

    CLIVE HARRIS : Well , thanks for coming in .

  29. 克莱夫正等着载我去火车站。

    Clive is waiting to drive me to the station .

  30. 克莱夫.哈里斯:加须,我会立即解决这件事。

    Kazo , I will get this sorted out immediately .