
  • 网络Element occurrence state;occurrence state of element
  1. 东太平洋海隆13°N和赤道附近表层沉积物中的元素赋存状态

    Mode of element occurrence in surface sediments from East Pacific rise near 13 ° n and the equator

  2. 激光光谱法研究矿石中的元素赋存状态

    The occurences of elements in ore determined by laser micrographic spectrometry

  3. 稀土、稀有分散元素赋存状态多样。

    Rare earth and rare dispersed ele-ments appear in different forms .

  4. 粉煤灰中植物营养元素赋存状态及应用

    Vegetal Nutrition Elements in Fly Ash : Existing States and Application

  5. 我国煤中微量元素赋存状态的研究进展

    Study on mode of occurrence of trace elements in coal in China

  6. 土壤中稀土元素赋存状态的研究

    Study on speciation of rare earth elements in SOLL

  7. 磷尾矿中元素赋存状态研究方法的探讨

    In the phosphorus debris the element tax saves the condition research technique the discussion

  8. 煤及顶板中稀土元素赋存状态及逐级化学提取

    Occurrence and Sequential Chemical Extraction of Rare Earth Element in Coals and Seam Roofs

  9. 回归分析法在煤中微量元素赋存状态研究中的应用

    Application of Regressive Analysis Method in Study on Existing State of Minor Elements in Coal

  10. 元素赋存状态研究对于矿产资源勘探开发之重要意义

    The significance of existent state of elements in the prospecting and exploration of mineral resources

  11. 黔西断陷区煤中潜在毒害微量元素赋存状态分析觹

    Occurrence of potentially hazardous trace elements in coal from Qianxi fault depression area , Guizhou province , China

  12. 贵州天桥铅锌矿床分散元素赋存状态及规律

    The Occurrence States and Regularities of Dispersed Elements in Tianqiao Pb-Zn Ore Deposit , Guizhou Province , China

  13. 并用数理统计方法讨论了重砂矿的元素赋存状态及其载体矿物。

    By using mathematical and statistical method , element occurrence state and the carrier minerals in the heavy mineral are discussed .

  14. 简要介绍了煤中微量元素赋存状态的主要研究方法:(1)间接方法。

    Brief introduction about the research methods of occurrences of trace elements in coal : ( 1 ) indirect methods , a. float sink experiment , b. single component analysis , c.

  15. 用扫描电镜-图象分析方法研究某区稀土、铌矿石的元素赋存状态

    The Method of Combining Electron Microscope Scanning Analysis with Image Analysis is Used to Exactly Determine the Contents of Rare-Earth Minerals and Niobium Minerals in Ore of a Certain Iron Ore Deposit

  16. 我国是资源短缺型国家,元素赋存状态的研究是资源合理有效利用的关键,可以避免盲目开采对资源的浪费和经济上的损失。

    China was a nation which lack of resources , so the study of its mode of occurrence of elements was the key to mineral resources utilization and it also could avoid resource-waste and economic losses for unrestrained exploitation of natural resources .

  17. 对我国化学物相分析的最新成就和进展作了简要评述,内容包括概述、物质相态分析、元素赋存状态分析以及非金属矿物相分析等。

    A review is presented on the development of chemical phase analysis in china during recent ten years . The overview , the phase state analysis of minerals , the occurence analysis of elements and the phase analysis of non-metallic minerals are included .

  18. 自然金稀土元素的赋存状态为U、Th矿物的微细包体,其分配特点可用来讨论岩金矿床的分类以及砂金的原生来源。

    REE occur in U Th containing minerals as micro inclusion in native gold , the partition characteristics of which can be used to discuss the classification of hard rock gold deposits and the primary source of placer gold .

  19. 东菲律宾海表层沉积物中元素的赋存状态

    Elemental occurrence phases of surface sediments from the East Philippine Sea

  20. 黑钨矿中微量元素的赋存状态葠带状构造

    The existence state of minor elements in wolframite and its zonal structure

  21. 地球系统中元素的赋存状态即为元素的质的属性。

    The quality attribute of element is its existent state in earth system .

  22. 煤中有害微量元素的赋存状态

    Modes of Occurrence on Hazardous Trace Elements in Coal

  23. 太平洋富钴结壳中稀土元素的赋存状态

    Occurrence modes of REE in the Pacific cobalt-rich crusts

  24. 用分子活化分析研究天然植物体内稀土元素的赋存状态

    Study on REEs speciation in natural plant by MAA

  25. 淮南矿区煤中12种微量元素的赋存状态及环境效应

    The occurrences and environmental effects of 12 kinds of trace elements in Huainan coal-mining area

  26. 稀土元素的赋存状态主要以独立矿物的形式存在。

    And the preservative status of rare-earth elements mainly showed as independent form of mineral .

  27. 本文着重介绍了包钢白云鄂博矿主要杂质元素的赋存状态,包钢现行选矿工艺的降杂效果,并作了简要讨论。

    The paper mainly introduces and discusses the existing state of main inclusions element in Baiyun ore , and the inclusions decrease result of the existing ore dressing process at Baotou Steel .

  28. 激光微区光谱法研究元素的赋存状态,其原理是:各种元素有其特征谱线,由特征谱线可确定元素的存在。

    The occurence cf elements in ore was determined by laser micrographic spectrometry . Its principle is that each element has its own characteristic spectral lines , by which the occurence of that element can be ascertained .

  29. 燃煤过程有害微量元素挥发与其赋存状态及燃烧温度的关系

    Relationship Between Volatilization of Hazardous Trace Elements and Their Occurrences and Combustion Temperatures During Coal Combustion

  30. 结合痕量元素的原始赋存状态,总结了痕量元素燃烧的迁移富集机理和环境效应。

    Based on the modes of occurrence of trace elements in coal , the combustion mechanism of trace elements was researched .