
nuó xì
  • Nuo Opera;local drama from Anhui Province, featuring masked dancing;an opera popular in the mountainous districts in western Hubei Province
傩戏 [nuó xì]
  • [kind of a local opera] 地方戏曲剧种之一,流行于安徽贵池、青阳一带以及湖北西部山区。戴柳木面具的演员用反复的、大幅度的程式舞蹈动作表演,多在节日演出

  1. 池州傩戏艺术及其文化研究从实地调查(fieldwork)开始,包括傩仪、傩戏展演(performance)现场的调查,文献、文物调查,口传资料调查等。

    This paper deals with the fieldwork on the art and cultural research of Chizhou Nuo Opera , including the rite of Nuo , the spot investigation of Nuo performance , investigation of literature , culture relics and materials handed down orally .

  2. 由此可见,固义傩戏有着极为渊远的历史传承。

    So the Nuo of Guyi village has extremely the deep pool far history inheritance .

  3. 他想用这些从贵州买回的傩戏面具装饰书房。

    He wants to decorate the study with Nuo opera masks bought in Guizhou province .

  4. 土家族傩戏唱腔结构形式研究

    On the Structure of the Music for Voices of the Tujia Nationality 's Nuo Opera

  5. 傩戏和傩舞是当地众多民族用来祈福消灾、休闲娱乐的重要的艺术形式。

    Nuo opera and Nuo dance are important form of blessing and entertainment for local people .

  6. 贵州傩文化主要表现在傩戏的演出中。

    In Guizhou province there exist three types of the Nuo opera in three different regions .

  7. 傩戏是傩文化的载体,面具是傩戏艺术的重要特征。

    It is the carrier of Nuo culture , with masks as its major artistic feature .

  8. 因之,保护贵池傩戏的一切措施和机制,均应围绕着宗族展开。

    In a word , all the things to protect the Nuo Play should be done around the patriarchal clan .

  9. 仪式中呈现的音乐,包含戏曲、器乐、舞蹈、傩戏以及杂耍。

    The music presented in the ritual includes opera , instrumental music , dance , Nuo opera , and vaudeville .

  10. 固义赛戏很有可能在这个时期加入到傩戏的表演中,以求场面热闹、红火、隆重。

    He has the possibility to join in the performance of the Nuo in this time , for the scene lively , prosperous , grand .

  11. 安徽池州傩戏面具随着历史的变迁而不断发展,显示了傩文化、傩戏的不朽魅力和独到的特色。

    In Anhu , Chizhou Nuo drama mask 's development continuously shows the immortal vitality , the symbolization and decoratlization of color shows ancient romantic imagination .

  12. 在造型和装饰方面,池州傩戏面具也表现出了丰富的想象力、地域特征和民间艺术特色。

    In the aspects of style and decoration , the mask of Chizhou Nuo Drama also represents abundant imagination , regional features and folk art charateristics .

  13. 他创作的中国话剧结合了中国古代的傩戏、皮影、戏曲和说唱。

    When he created a Chinese oral theatre , he adopted elements from ancient masked drama , shadow plays and the dancing , singing and drumming traditions .

  14. 傩戏誉称为中国戏剧文化的活化石,有丰富的文化内涵和多学科的学术价值,为中华传统文化之瑰宝。

    The Nuo play , known as the " living fossil of the Chinese play culture ", is a cultural treasure with rich cultural connotation and multiple academic value .

  15. 大量资料显示,我国包括传统工艺、民族艺术等在内的民族民间文化遗产,正面临后继无人、管理混乱和大量流失的严峻形势,建立中国傩戏傩面具博物馆十分必要和紧迫。

    Today , many of our national heritages , including the Nuo art , are facing a grave situation of lacking successors and disappearing out of the historical stage .

  16. 接着几节分别从傩经历的发展轨迹,傩仪、傩舞、傩戏来进行论述了。

    Then several separately from nuo the experience development path , nuo the meter , the exorcism dance , the name of various kinds of local drama carried on elaborated .

  17. 这些剧目实际是不同样式的文艺作品,它们或早或迟地积淀到贵池傩戏中,反映了贵池傩戏对剧目兼收并蓄的开放性品格,这也是贵池傩戏区别于其它戏曲活化石的特征之一。

    Actually these items are literary works of different patterns , accumulated into Nuo opera of Guichi in different time , which reflects its open feature , taking in all kinds of items .

  18. 而与此同时,我们应该弘扬民族文化,尤其是将土家族傩戏面具所代表的中国传统文化发扬光大,向世人展示我们引以为豪的民族艺术。

    Meanwhile we should carry forward the national culture , especially the Tujia Nuo Mask which represents the Chinese traditional culture to show the world that we are proud of the national art .

  19. 文章从词语、句法、语音节奏和修辞等四个方面来论述黔北仡佬族傩戏剧本的语言风格,并分析其形成原因。

    And this paper seeks to expound the language style of Nuo opera in Qianbei in terms of vocabulary , syntax , phonological rhythm and rhetoric , and then analyzes the reasons of the formation .

  20. 研究土家族傩戏唱腔的结构形式、结构特点是研究和总结我国少数民族音乐唱腔结构的一个重要方面,是对土家族音乐研究的一种新的探索和尝试。

    To study its form and characteristics is an important aspect of studying and summarizing the structure of the music for voices of China 's minority nationalities and a new exploration of the Tujia Nationality 's music .

  21. 同时宗族势力又限制并束缚了贵池傩戏的发展,使之一直保持古朴的原初形态;

    And the patriarchal clan made the Nuo Play be handed down from ancient times , at the same time , it limited and fettered the development of the Nuo Play and made it remain in the primitive form .

  22. 从其以祭祀为主的表演程式看,应该是处于前傩戏阶段的一种宗教祭祀仪式,对我们认识人类的早期宗教信仰无疑有活化石般的价值。

    The performance program with fete as its main part should be one kind of religious fete ceremony on the stage of pre-drama Luo , which is valuable as a living fossil for us to learn about forepart faith of human .

  23. 陕南端公戏原是傩戏的一种,是由傩、傩舞综合起来的一种艺术形式,可以说它是原始古朴及独特的。

    Content : " Southern Shaanxi side of public drama " was originally a kind of Nuo opera is determined by Exorcise , Nuo dance together in an art form , you can say that it is the original ancient and unique .

  24. 土家族傩戏唱腔是在土家族语言声调及其民歌风格的基础上形成的一种声腔,其形式已经形成了统一的类型和不同的结构成分。

    The music for voices of the Tujia Nationality 's Nuo opera is a kind of tune , which is formed on the basis of the Tujia Nationality 's language tone and its folk song style , whose pattern has formed a unified type and different structures .