
  • 网络asymmetry;Information Asymmetry;Asymmetric information
  1. 信息不对称模型认为在IPO市场中存在两个潜在投资者群体:知情投资者和未知情投资者。

    Asymmetric information model assumes that there are two groups of potential investors in the IPO markets : informedand uninformed investors .

  2. 生产成本信息不对称下差异Bertrand结构中的许可

    Licensing in Heterogeneous Bertrand Markets under Asymmetric Information of Product costs

  3. 减少C2C电子商务交易中的信息不对称则主要依赖于电子商务的诚信管理机制。

    Decreasing the information asymmetry in C2C E-Commerce depends on the trust management mechanism .

  4. 而风险资本作为影响信息不对称因素的投资商一方,对风险资本对IPO抑价影响研究就显得尤为重要。

    The impact of information asymmetry as a venture capital investor side factors , the risk capital of the Impact of Underpricing of IPO is particularly important .

  5. 第二章中对融资的基本理论进行了探讨,包括融资的基本概念和现代融资基本理论&MM理论,以及MM理论的发展、信息不对称下的现代融资理论。

    The second chapter discussed essential financing theories , involving essential concept of financing , modern essential theory of financing-MM theory , development of MM theory , and modern financing theory based on information asymmetry .

  6. 同时从信息不对称角度分析了传统出版业(纸介质)在internet时代的一些变化。

    Thirdly , Internet has caused some dramatic changes in traditional publishing characterized mainly by paper medium , and these changes are analyzed from the viewpoint of information asymmetry which can be roughly divided into two aspects - horizontal information asymmetry and vertical information asymmetry .

  7. 本论文通过比较传统市场和B2C电子商务市场,分析了B2C电子商务市场中价格信息不对称产生的原因和相应的对策。

    By comparing the traditional market and B2C e-commerce market , this paper analyzes causes and the corresponding countermeasures of price information asymmetry in B2C e-commerce market .

  8. 介绍了B2C面临的诚信问题、社会诚信缺失原因及影响,分析了在信息不对称的状态下B2C单方可信体系的建立。

    This paper introduces the credit problem that B2C faces , the reasons and influences of social credit deletion , and analyzes on the establishment of B2C one-side credit system under the condition of information dissymmetry .

  9. 政府职能的错位、越位、缺位;公众与政府信息不对称,地方政府信用问题成为我国加入WTO后面临的一个很严峻的挑战。

    Due to the lack of democracy and administrative conceptions , the dislocation , overstepping and omission of the government functions , and the asymmetry of information between the public and Government , the credit of the local governments met with a severe challenge after China 's entry into WTO .

  10. 然而,在B2C电子商务的发展过程中仍然存在一系列的问题,国内外相关文献研究的结果都表明,产生问题的主要原因就是信息不对称。

    However , there is still a range of issues in the development of B2C e-commerce . The results of the study of domestic and foreign literature show that information asymmetry is the main reason of the problems .

  11. 在大型建设项目中,由于项目参与各方存在严重的信息不对称和信息缺失,导致建设过程中低效率等问题的出现。大型建设项目管理办公室(PMO)可以从组织角度解决项目信息交流中的问题。

    The absence and imbalance of information owed by all parties leads to low efficient in the construction program , which can be solved by project management office as one of organizational measures .

  12. 提出了纳税信息不对称度的定义,并比较了B2B、B2C和C2C三种类型电子商务的纳税信息不对称度。建立了一个信息不对称变化对电子商务税收遵从与征管的影响模型。

    The degree of tax information asymmetry is defined , and the degree of tax information asymmetry in B2B 、 B2C and C2C are compared . A model is established to analyze the impacts of transformation of information asymmetry on tax compliance and administration in EC .

  13. 信息不对称下银行信贷资产证券化博弈分析

    The Research on Banks ' Credit Asset Securitization under Asymmetric Information

  14. 在医疗保健市场上存在明显的信息不对称现象。

    There exists prevailing information asymmetry in the health care market .

  15. 试论商业银行贷款过程中的信息不对称问题

    Information asymmetry in the process of launching loans by commercial banks

  16. 第六章为信息不对称与商业银行信贷资产安全性分析。

    Chapter 6 is commercial credit assets security and information asymmetric .

  17. 企业治理结构、信息不对称与中小企业融资

    Enterprise Governance , Information Asymmetry and the Financing of Small Business

  18. 新经济学的信息不对称理论揭示了失信的可能性;

    Asymmetric information theory indicates possibility of lacking honest and credit ;

  19. 5,加剧信息不对称和内部人控制等。

    5 , aggravate the information asymmetry and inner person to control etc.

  20. 公司治理与证券市场上投融资双方信息不对称问题的解决

    The Problem of Asymmetric Information between Investor and Borrower in Securities Market

  21. 信息不对称条件下非国有企业的资金供给

    On the Financial Supply of Non-state-owed Enterprises in Terms of Information Asymmetry

  22. 医疗卫生领域信息不对称的伦理问题及对策

    Ethical Issues on the Information Asymmetry in Medicine Sector and the Counter-Measures

  23. 我国医药市场信息不对称问题研究

    Research for the Information Dissymmetry Problem of the Medicine Market of China

  24. 信息不对称度的度量方法;

    The way to measuring the extent of information asymmetry ;

  25. 保险市场的信息不对称及其规避策略研究

    Research on the Asymmetric Information and Its Risk-averse Strategies in the Insurance

  26. 风险投资中信息不对称及风险分析研究

    Analysis on Asymmetric Information and Risks in Ventrue - Capital

  27. 信息不对称条件下医生道德风险的防范

    Prevention of doctor 's morals hazard under asymmetric information conditions

  28. 银行国际结算业务的信息不对称现象的不良影响及其控制方式

    The Negative Impact and Control of Information Asymmetry in International Settlement Business

  29. 信息不对称对保险业的影响及治理措施

    The Influence of Informational Asymmetry on Insurance and its Solution

  30. 代议制下委托人一代理人之间的信息不对称假设。

    Under representative system trustee-agent 's information not symmetrical supposition .