
  • warranty period;Warranty;Warranty Time;guarantee period
  1. 同样地,iPad主要部件一直享有2年保修期,其他部件享有1年保修期。

    Likewise , the the iPad main components has been entitled to a 2-year warranty period , and other components for 1 year warranty .

  2. 消协说苹果公司已经承认将Ipad归类为便携式电脑,就应该按照中国法律为其提供至少两年的保修期。

    The association says Apple should follow China 's law and offer a minimum two year warranty period on ipads , which are categorized as portable computers .

  3. 这电视机有一年的保修期。

    The television comes with a year 's guarantee .

  4. 这台电视机有整两年的保修期。

    The television comes with a full two-year warranty .

  5. 这只手表仍在保修期内。

    The watch is still under guarantee .

  6. 这台电视机还在保修期内吗?

    Is the television still under guarantee ?

  7. 这辆汽车仍在保修期内吗?

    Is the car still under warranty ?

  8. 这套设备仍在保修期内。

    The equipment is still under warranty .

  9. 它还在保修期内。

    It was still under guarantee .

  10. 他想让AppleII带有一年保修期。

    He wanted a one-year warranty to come with the Apple II .

  11. 我要买这个VCR还有一个扩展的保修期。

    I 'll take this VCR with an extended warranty .

  12. 例如,我们一直为MacBookAir和其他Mac电脑的主板和其他主要部件提供2年保修期。

    For example , we have been to provide 2 year warranty for the MacBook Air and Mac computer motherboards and other major components .

  13. 公司的DELL电脑快过保修期了,同事的机器相继爆浆。

    The DELL computers of our company will be out of warranty , the capacitances of my colleague 's computers cracked in succession .

  14. 控制台以外的配件,例如但不限于遥控器,电池,耳机,AC适配器将只进行90天的保修期从原始的购买日期。

    Accessories outside of the console , such as but not limited to remote control , batteries , earphones , and AC adapter will only carry a90-day warranty from the original date of purchase .

  15. 更换问题iPhone手机部件,或者延长保修期,并不会花费苹果太多资金,这么做主要是为了满足中国国家媒体。

    It won 't cost the company very much to repair broken iPhones with new parts or extend their warranties -- basically giving China 's state-run media everything they asked for .

  16. 一旦这些其它产品交付给客户,ABC将在其保修期截止前,将这些产品的维修费加入定期帐单。

    Upon delivery of such other Product to Customer , service fees for Service of such other Product shall be added to the billing cycle following expiration of the labor warranty on such other Product .

  17. 如果在保修期内发生任何故障,请将它邮寄至米约克(MIYOKO)服务中心。

    If this watch shows any defects within the guarantee period , please mail it to MIYOKO SERVICE CENTER .

  18. 在保修期内,当设备需要维修或更换部件时,在业主或epc承包商的要求下,供货商应派有经验的工程师到现场进行技术支持。

    During the warranty period , when equipment requires maintenance or parts replacement , the supplier shall assign the experienced engineers to the site to provide technical support to the demand of the owner or EPC contractor .

  19. ullet此工作必须按保修期车辆的单独保修索赔计价。

    Ullet this work must be invoiced with a separate warranty claim for vehicles that are still under warranty .

  20. 央视去年曝光苹果蓄意回避保修期,而且针对中国消费者执行歧视性的服务政策。之后苹果首席执行长库克(TimCook)发布了一封致歉信,承诺修改在华消费服务政策的条款。

    CCTV 's report last year alleging Apple skirted warranty periods and adopted biased customer-service policies for Chinese customers resulted in an apology letter signed by Apple 's Chief Executive Tim Cook . Mr. Cook vowed to revamp aspects of its customer-service policies in China .

  21. 使问题更可笑,修复程序NV公司是迫使对戴尔,惠普和其他所有人不解决此问题,它只是使得它不太可能发生在保修期。

    To make matters more laughable , the fix that NV is forcing on Dell , HP and everyone else does not fix the problem , it simply makes it less likely to occur during the warranty period .

  22. ullet对于不在保修期内的车辆而言,必须先与顾客协商,然后再由顾客出资排除这些故障。

    Ullet these faults must only be repaired following consultation with the customer and at the customer 's expense for vehicles that are no longer under warranty .

  23. 您的dunhill腕表在保修期内发生的任何故障,均可获维修和更换零部件,费用全免。

    Your Dunhill watch will be repaired and any defective components will be replaced , free of charge , providing that the fault falls within the terms of this guarantee .

  24. 迄今为止,SSAMC没有一台交付的发动机在有效的保修期内返厂维修,创下了良好的质量纪录。

    Up to now , none of the repaired engine has been returned to SSAMC during its warranty period , making a very nice quality record .

  25. 没收钱,因为还在保修期内。

    There is no charge because it 's still under warranty .

  26. 售货员:保修期内提供免费的服务。

    Salesperson : The guarantee provides for free service and parts .

  27. 通用汽车的保修期自购车发票日期起算。

    The warranty period begins on the date of vehicle invoice .

  28. 这个想法让斯科特目瞪口呆,因为保修期一般只有90天。

    This flabbergasted Scott ; the usual warranty was ninety days .

  29. 先生,对不起。你的保修期已期满了。

    Sir , I feel sorry that the repair guarantee is expired .

  30. 机器故障是否有三年保修期?

    Has it a three-year guarantee against mechanical defects ?