
  • 网络page;Paige;PECs;larry page;Pécs
  1. 谷歌(Google)新任首席执行官拉里•佩奇增加年终奖考核标准。

    New Google CEO Larry Page just upped the ante as far as workflow goes .

  2. 2004年,谷歌(Google)上市时,拉里•佩奇和谢尔盖•布林开创了这个先河。

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin started it when Google ( GOOG ) went public in 2004 .

  3. 佩奇精通多种风格的爵士乐。

    Page is well versed in many styles of jazz .

  4. 佩奇医生一吃完午饭就会来这儿看她。

    Doctor Paige will be here right after lunch to see her .

  5. 报告列举了一些具体的例子,例如,在英国卡通片《小猪佩奇》的第七集中,动画角色骑在一个直升机吊着的大南瓜上,委员会认为这一镜头属于危险动作,可能误导孩子认为攀爬高处是很安全的。

    The report listed some specific examples such as in the seventh episode of the English cartoon Peppa Pig , characters ride on a giant pumpkin that is being airlifted by a helicopter , which the committee considers dangerous as it may mislead children into thinking it is safe to climb high places .

  6. 在波士顿随着图腾与禁忌而长大的爱尔兰天主教家庭的孩子(b康妮佩奇)

    Grew up with the totems and taboos typical of an Irish Catholic kid in Boston ( bConnie Paige )

  7. 谷歌母公司Alphabet的拉里•佩奇(LarryPage);

    Larry Page of Alphabet , Google 's parent company ;

  8. 微软首席执行长纳德拉选中的挑战对象是亚马逊公司(Amazon)首席执行长贝索斯(JeffBezos)以及谷歌(Google)首席执行长拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)。

    Nadella dared Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Google CEO Larry Page .

  9. 但谷歌的新CEO拉里•佩奇选择了不一样的方向。

    But Larry Page , Google 's new CEO , took a different direction .

  10. 幸好随着拉里•佩奇重任CEO,这种情况已经被纠正过来了。

    Thankfully that has now been corrected , with Larry Page returning to the helm .

  11. 谷歌CEO拉里•佩奇还力劝大家“大胆一点”,尤其是在慈善事业上。

    CEO Larry Page urged them to be " audacious , " especially in philanthropy .

  12. 谷歌联合创始人拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)不断敦促他的员工保持敢想敢干。

    Larry Page , co-founder of Google , constantly urges his employees to keep being radical .

  13. 搜索LarryPageandspeed(拉里o佩奇和速度),在第一个搜索结果的链接上方,你会看到约21100000条结果(用时0.47秒)。

    Search for Larry Page and speed and above the first link you may see About 21,100,000 results ( 0.47 seconds ) .

  14. 在我们之前,没有大公司制定这样的道德规范,拉里•佩奇(Larrypage)最近表示。

    We haven 't had big companies before that had that kind of ethic , Larry Page said recently .

  15. 创立谷歌(Google)的必须是拉里?佩奇(LarryPage)和谢尔盖?布林(SergeyBrin);

    You would have to be Larry Page and Sergey Brin to start Google ;

  16. 据报道,谷歌公司内部设有一些咨询类职位,可以为包括CEO拉里o佩奇在内的其他同事提供建议,。

    There are also reportedly positions set up to advise others within the company , including CEO Larry Page .

  17. 多年来,谷歌公司(Google)首席执行官拉里o佩奇一直怀揣着一个美妙的梦想,那就是用气球代替卫星进行通讯。

    For years , Google CEO Larry Page had dreamed about a tantalizing possibility : using balloons , rather than satellites , for communications .

  18. 佩奇补充说,他在声音健康研究院(VoiceHealthInstitute)资助了一个研究项目,该项目将由哈佛大学医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的柴特斯(StevenZeitels)领导。

    Mr. Page added that he was funding a research program at the Voice Health Institute that will be led by Steven Zeitels of Harvard Medical School .

  19. 佩奇表示,除非这类网络接受“网络中立(netneutrality)”的原则,否则,就不会给它们带来经济上的利益。

    Unless such networks accepted the principle of " net neutrality " , Mr Page said , there would be economic consequences .

  20. 搜索“LarryPageandspeed”(拉里o佩奇和速度),在第一个搜索结果的链接上方,你会看到“约21100000条结果(用时0.47秒)。”

    Search for " Larry Page and speed " and above the first link you may see " About 21100000 results ( 0.47 seconds ) . "

  21. 谷歌创始人和CEO拉里佩奇和特斯拉与SpaceX的CEO伊隆马斯克的关系非常友好。

    Google CEO and cofounder Larry Page is quite friendly with Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk .

  22. 此外,该决定还意味着,对于其首席执行官拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)所做的战略布局,谷歌正在加以调整。

    It also represents a change in direction from the strategy that Larry Page , Google 's chief executive , had laid out .

  23. 谷歌(Google)联合创始人拉里•佩奇重新掌舵这家公司已有一周,这一周他采取了一些大刀阔斧的举措。

    Co-founder Larry Page took back the helm of Google ( GOOG ) a week ago and has made some bold moves over the past week .

  24. 佩奇和布林都表示,谷歌还会在自己核心搜索业务之外继续拓展,包括投资Android和GoogleX项目。

    Page and Brin both said Google would continue to expand beyond its core search capabilities , including investing in Android and Google X projects .

  25. 从谷歌(Google)联合创始人拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)到信奉自由意志主义的风险投资家彼得•塞尔(PeterThiel),此类想法颇有市场。

    From Google co-founder Larry Pageto libertarian venture capitalist Peter Thiel , ideas like this have had plenty of currency .

  26. 佩奇(LarryPage)是谷歌(GoogleInc.)的形象代表,但这名首席执行长(CEO)却难以为公司发声。

    Larry Page is the face of Google Inc. , GOOG + 1.09 % but the chief executive has had trouble being its voice .

  27. eOne将和广州动画玩具公司AlphaGroupCo联手,进一步打开中国市场,提高《小猪佩奇》在国内的知名度。

    The company will cooperate with a Guangzhou-based animation and toy company Alpha Group Co to further expand its Chinese market and improve the popularity of the brand in the country .

  28. 佩奇怀抱的坚定信念,以及谷歌傲人的财务业绩,让他成为今年的《财富》(Fortune)年度商业人物。

    Page 's intensity of purpose and his company 's GOOG 1.13 % stellar financial results earned him recognition as Businessperson of the Year in Fortune .

  29. 布林解释了自己在谷歌公司的角色——既是董事会成员,又是CEO拉里o佩奇的哥们儿,同时也是谷歌最神秘的部门——GoogleX实验室的负责人。

    Brin explained his curious status as board member , pal of CEO Larry Page and head of Google X , the company 's " moonshot " arm .

  30. 为了提高公司的专注度,去年佩奇重返CEO宝座后不久便将公司重组为7个业务集团。

    In another effort to bring more focus , page reorganized the company into seven groups shortly after retaking the chief executive role last year .