
dī děnɡ zhí wù
  • Lower plants;lower-order plant
  1. 低等植物蓝光受体信号传导研究

    Receptors of Blue Light and its Signaling in Plants

  2. 并且比较了高等植物和低等植物胞间连丝的发生和次生变化。

    Plasmodesmal origin and secondary modification are compared between higher plant and lower plant also .

  3. 青苔是一种浅根植物,是藻类和真菌共生形成的一种低等植物。

    Lichen is a simple plant , which comes from symbiotic growth of algae and epiphyte .

  4. 藻类属于低等植物,在温度高、湿度大的环境中极易滋生。

    Algae belongs to lower plants , and it grows quickly in high temperature and high humidity environment .

  5. 轮藻是一类古老的低等植物,是水生态系统的重要类群和物种资源。

    Charophyte is a kind of ancient algae , is one of the important component and species resources of aquatic ecosystems .

  6. 菌根真菌早在高等植物出现以前,就已经同古老的陆生低等植物形成了共生体。

    The Arbuscular fungus had formed the symbiont with the ancient land lower plants before the appearance of the higher plant .

  7. 湘西低等植物野菜资源丰富,共有35科66属129种,其基本特点是:(1)种类众多,优势科明显;

    West-Hunan is very rich in wild vegetable resources of lower plant , with 35 families , 66 genera and 129 species .

  8. 摘要无丝分裂常被人们认为是只存在于低等植物中,是高等植物中不正常的或偶然见到的细胞分裂方式。

    Amitosis was considered only to exist in lower plants , or abnormal in higher plants , accidental form of the cell division .

  9. 微藻是一类能够进行光合作用的低等植物,广泛分布在海水、淡水、土壤等环境中。

    Microalgae are a group of lower plants with the capacity of photosynthesis , widely distributed in marine , freshwater , soil and other environments .

  10. 其来源可能是富含蜡和脂肪的树皮、角质、花粉、孢子以及低等植物如藻类等。

    Their original materials may be plant components rich in wax and fat , such as spores , cuticles , resins , pollens , and algaes etc.

  11. 分别阐述了低等植物藻类及高等水生植物净化污水的应用类型、方式,应用范围及净化机理,还对高等水生植物的选取标准作了描述。

    The application type , application scope and purification mechanism of sewage treatment with algae and macrophytes are described respectively , and the selection standards of macrophytes are also given here .

  12. 为此,通过大量实验研究,为受控生态生保系统筛选出关键生物物种15个,其中高等植物(蔬菜类)4个,微生物5个,微藻5个,低等植物1个。

    For this purpose , 15 KBCs including 4 higher plants ( vegetables ), 5 microorganisms , 5 microalgae and 1 lower plant were selected from lots of biological species for CELSS .

  13. 细胞质力蛋白在动物和低等植物细胞中不仅参与细胞内细胞器和靶分子等的运输,还参与高尔基体等细胞器的组装和定位。

    In animal and lower plant cells , cytoplasmic dynein involved in not only trafficking of subcellular organelles and target molecules , but also organizing and positioning of organelles such as Golgi apparatus .

  14. 甲壳素纤维:甲壳素又称甲壳质、几丁质、壳蛋白,是从甲壳动物外壳及真菌、藻类等低等植物的细胞壁中提取的一种带正电荷的动物纤维素。

    Chitin fiber : chitin , also known as chitin , chitin , shell protein from crustacean shells and fungi , algae and other lower plants of the cell wall extract of a positively charged cellulose animals .

  15. 低等蕨类植物小科具有接近赤裸的茎和微小的鳞状的叶。

    Small family of lower ferns having nearly naked stems and minute scalelike leaves .

  16. 与石松科同延的低等脉管植物;在某些分类中,包含卷柏目和水韭目。

    Lower vascular plants coextensive with the family Lycopodiaceae ; in some classifications includes the Selaginellaceae and Isoetaceae .

  17. 莫高窟区域内,还有唐、宋时期的木结构建筑5座,莲花柱石和铺地花砖数千块。与观音座莲科同延的低等蕨类植物。

    There are also five surviving timber structures whose history goes back to Tang and Song and a large number of stone columns with carved designs of lotus flowers and coloured paving tiles . lower ferns coextensive with the family Marattiaceae .

  18. 海藻是生长在海洋中的低等隐花植物,由于其特殊的生长环境,营养成分与陆生植物存在很大的不同,海藻中含有一般陆生植物无法比拟的丰富的矿物元素及维生素等。

    Seaweed is an inferior cryptogamous plant in the sea . The nutrients of seaweeds are greatly different from that of plants on land because of their particular environment . Seaweed contains rich minerals and vitamins that are much less in amount in ordinary plants on land .

  19. 自从泥盆纪以来就生存的低等维管植物。

    Lower tracheophytes in existence since the Devonian .

  20. 生命价值是一切生命体共有的,区别于低等生物、植物和动物的人,应追求更高的价值。

    Life value belongs to all creatures , man 's life value should be considered more valuable than other species , so man should seek higher value .

  21. 低等藻类与高等植物在防御反应途径上具有保守性。

    Algae and higher plants share some conserved characteristics on defense response pathways .

  22. 它广泛存在于自然界中,包括一些低等动物、豆类植物,而微生物则是β-甘露聚糖酶的主要来源。

    It universally exits in the nature , including the inferior animals and legume plants , whereas microorganism is the main source for β - mannanase .

  23. 近年来微波提取技术发展迅速,它具有快速、高效、污染小、能耗低等特点,在植物有效成分提取中的应用越来越受到重视。

    Microwave extraction technique has rapidly developed in recent years . This technique which was characterized with fast , high efficiency , low pollution , and low energy consumption properties was applied in extraction of active ingredients from plants .