
  • 网络Ivrea
  1. 我们都在伊夫雷亚互动设计研究所工作,

    So we came together in this design institute called the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea ,

  2. 伊莎瓷砖于上个世纪六十年代创建于意大利北部的小镇伊夫雷亚。

    In the1960s , Esha was founded in Ivrea , a small town in north of Italy .

  3. 上周四,该事件在意大利北部城市伊夫雷亚开庭,法院站在了罗密欧这一边,并要求电信公司每年支付他近7000欧元(约7500美元)的赔偿金。

    Last Thursday , it emerged a court in the northern city of Ivrea has sided with Romeo , ordering the mobile network giant to pay him up to 7000 euro a year ( around $ 7500 ) .