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  1. 她捧起疏松的泥土,任其缓缓地从指间漏下。

    She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers .

  2. 任其无拘无束地飘扬,

    Let it fly as unconfined

  3. 姨姨则说,早知如此,我就不栽它,任它吸地了。

    Aunt says that a process , I do not planted it , and let it suck in the .

  4. 任他没完没了地给我写信,我就是不回信。

    He can write me letters till he 's blue in the face , I 'm not going to reply .

  5. 现任官吏不得于其任所所在地之选举区当选为国民大会代表。

    No incumbent government official shall , in the electoral area where he holds office , be elected delegate to the national assembly .

  6. 即使在此后的比赛中他在积分榜上从榜首掉至第三,他任然倔强地认为这次骨折没有对他的发挥造成影响。

    Although Webber fell from first to third in the championship during the races following the incident , he was adamant that the fracture had not been a factor in his performances .

  7. 第一款动物园牛仔裤于2014年发售,其制作过程是将一些包裹着牛仔布料的玩偶丢给狮子、老虎和熊,然后任它们随心所欲地在牛仔布上留下自己的印记。

    The first pairs were originally launched in 2014 , when lions , tigers and bears were given a series of toys wrapped in denim and allowed to literally leave their mark on the fabric .

  8. 像今天早晨贩马商巷监狱外这般展现在普通良民家门口的恐怖堕落场景,如任其悄无声息地过去一我不认为这样的社会会走向繁荣。

    I do not believe that any community can prosper where such a scene of horror and demoralization as was enacted this morning outside Horsemonger Lane Gaol is presented at the very doors of good citizens , and is passed by , unknown or forgotten .

  9. 她一把扯下连衣裙,任其滑落到地上。

    She ripped off her dress and let it fall to the floor

  10. 任它气咻咻地与宽大的烟囱拼搏,高耸异型烟囱横风向气动参数CFD模拟

    CFD simulation for across-wind aerodynamic parameters of a special-shaped tall chimney

  11. 教师们精神面貌不佳的主要原因是连续几任国务大臣敷衍塞责地制定的教育政策。

    Educational policies made on the hoof by successive secretaries of state are the main reason for low teacher morale .

  12. 他的翼尖鞋轧在砾石路上,任子弹散落在地,波旁酒瓶也摔到地上,碎了。

    His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel . Loose bullets scatter to the ground . The bourbon bottle drops and shatters .

  13. 我一直以为会和我的第一任妻子这样相濡以沫地生活下去,可是她却不爱我了,最终选择了和我离婚。

    I thought I would have this with my first wife , but she fell out of love and chose to divorce me .