
  1. 而这些可怜人需飞行两英里才能平安落地。

    One poor man flew two miles before he landed safely .

  2. 担保人需在申请表上签名。

    And he should sign on the application form .

  3. 余下三人需缴罚金合计人民币670万元。

    Mr. Hu 's three colleagues face a combined 6.7 million yuan in fines .

  4. 一个优秀的海上保险公估人需具备的素质

    The Required Qualities for a Competent Marine Adjuster

  5. 患糖尿病的人需注射胰岛素,因为病人本身不能分泌胰岛素。

    People suffering from diabetes have to have insulin injections , because they cannot produce their own .

  6. 近视的人需戴眼镜。

    Nearsighted people need glasses .

  7. 结果出来之后它会再一次向你确认账单,此刻的账单上会显示出每个人需分摊多少。

    Finally it will show you the list again , but now with how much each person owes .

  8. 为获得该执照,公司的创建人需提交申请,称为公司章程。

    To obtain this charter , the organizers of the corporation submit an application called the articles of incorporation .

  9. 如此一来,如果婚姻是因家庭暴力而告终的,那么,只有一人需独自承担债务。

    So if a marriage ends in abuse , only one person is responsible for paying off the debt .

  10. 基金治理人需公布清盘开始的通知,并书面通知股东已开始清盘。

    The fund supervisor must announce the notice which the reconciliation starts , and the written notification shareholder started to reconcile .

  11. 新鸿基地产还将向前期买家退还11.75%的物业买卖印花税。在香港,购房人需缴纳15%的物业买卖印花税。

    Sun Hung Kai is also offering the early-bird buyer a 11.75 % rebate on the 15 % buyer 's stamp duty .

  12. 首代如是大陆人需同上海外服机构签订劳务合同;

    If the chief representative belong to main land of China , should sign personal services contact with Shanghai Foreign Service Company .

  13. 每个人需记好自己的实验记录,因为它将最终构成整个团队所收集的资料。

    Each lab partner should keep his or her own notebook , which will eventually contain all the data collected by the whole team .

  14. 她说,她没有犯错,行政法律未规定她这样的人需去派出所。

    She said she did not do anything wrong , the administrative law do not require that she need go to the police station .

  15. 参与调查工作的负责人需填写人事调查报告表,并向人力资源部经理提交人事调查报告做审核。

    Principals attending the investigation need to fill in the report of personnel survey and submit it to the manager of HR Department for verification .

  16. 志同道合[志趣相同]的人需一位善良诚实可靠重情开朗上进,有责任感,志同道合通情达理的人。

    It needs one a person of kindhearted honest reliable serious optimistic and enterprising feelingses seses it has sense of duty hit it off well together reasonable people .

  17. 如要在中国提起法律诉讼,专利权人需制定一份授权书以委托其律师,授权书应符合中国的相关规定。

    To bring legal proceedings in China , the patentee will need to execute a power of attorney in favour of its lawyers which will need to comply with Chinese requirements .

  18. 课堂上每个人需将自己写的文章拿出来讨论,依据同学的意见与建议修改自己与他人的文章,以便发表于线上杂志。

    You will write essays , offer them in class workshops for response and suggestions , and then revise and edit your own and each other 's work for publication in our magazine .

  19. 不过,经研究人员验证,在评分较低的新生儿中,平均每44个人中仅1人需接受特殊教育。所以,如果新生儿的阿普加评分偏低,家长没必要过度担忧。

    Researchers also made the point that only one in44 newborns with a low Apgar score went on to need special education , so mothers of babies who had low scores did not have cause for concern .

  20. 核查责任人需认真填写《仪器设备期间核查记录》,核查结果评价由设备管理员填写,确认其状态是否运转正常,是否满足检测项目使用要求。

    The person in charge of check shall seriously fill out instrument and equipment intermediate check records , check result evaluation shall be filled out by equipment manager , check whether the operating status is normal and meet operating requirements of test items .

  21. 申请过这个职位的人不需重新申请。

    Previous applicants for the post need not reapply .

  22. 许多老年人都需按时服药。

    Many of the elderly are on medication .

  23. 这家初创公司的产品SentabTV可以让那些不习惯使用电脑的老年人只需操控电视和遥控器就能打开电子邮件、视频聊天和社交媒体。

    The startup 's product , SentabTV , enables older adults who may not be comfortable with computers to access email , video chat and social media using just their televisions and a remote control .

  24. 我想了一下,我们的钱也不多了。但是有时我们需要做的,就是急人所需,而不是大量地占有。

    I thought about it . We were low on cash ourselves , but ... well , sometimes giving from our ' need ' instead of our ' abundance ' is just what we need to do !

  25. 此外,想在发生全球性灾难后仍然能够延续血脉的人只需花费约50美元就可以将自己的DNA储存到月球上。

    For about $ 50 , those who want to make themselves immortal in case of global catastrophe can store their DNA there .

  26. 此套件提供软件即服务(Softwareasaservice,SaaS),因此干系人无需关注基础结构。

    Software as a service ( SaaS ) is being offered by this suite and hence the infrastructure is not a concern for the stakeholders .

  27. 例如,有些专业人员需要创建或修改XML数据,而其他人仅需了解其结构,来进行高效查询。

    For instance , some professionals will need to create or modify XML data , while others will simply need to understand its structure to be able to effectively query it .

  28. 佩戴Tikker的人只需填写一份关于疾病史信息的调查问卷,就可以启动手表。

    To set up Tikker , the wearer fills out a questionnaire by entering information about their medical history .

  29. 因此进行流感病毒血清抗体检测时特异性鸡抗血清可不用RDE处理,而人血清需RDE处理,以确保实验结果的准确性。

    So before testing the antibodies to influenza virus , it will be unnecessary for specific chicken sera treated with RDE , whereas human sera should be treated with RDE for ensuring the accuracy of experiment results .

  30. AOPA表示,并非所有人都需考证才能操控无人机。操控7公斤以下无人机,在室内或非人口稠密区操控无人机,则不必考证。

    Not everyone needs a certificate to fly a drone ; if a drone weighs less than 7 kg , if it is flown indoors or in sparsely populated areas , then a certificate is not required , the AOPA says .