
  1. 其次,曾国藩人才伦理思想并不是难以实践的空想,而带有经世致用的特征。

    Second , his ethical ideas of talents are not utopian , but pragmatic , so his ideas have the character of statecraft .

  2. 魏源的个人经历和思想历程以及当时的历史变局和时代的呼唤,构成了魏源人才伦理思想的基本历史背景。

    His personal experiences , ideological developments , historical changes , demands of his era constituted the basic historical background of his ideas .

  3. 重视经济管理人才伦理素质的培养,是管理发展的必然趋势、经济全球化和中国经济社会发展对人才的要求。

    To emphasis the fostering of ethical diathesis of the talent of economic management is the neccessary trend of the management development and the demand to the talent in economic globalization and the development of Chinese social economy .

  4. 经济管理人才伦理素质的培养包括市场经济伦理品质、管理者道德人格和调适管理领域伦理关系能力的培养。

    The fostering of ethical diathesis of the talent of economic management includes the ethical quality of market economy , manager ′ s moral and personality , and the development of the ability to adjust the ethical relationship in managing area .

  5. 经世致用:王安石人才教育伦理的价值宗旨

    Attention to Actual Effect : Value Objective of Wang Anshi 's Talented Person Education Ethics

  6. 中小型民营企业吸引高层次人才的伦理思考&以泉州民营企业的人才状况为例

    Ethic Reflection of How Medium and Small-sized Private Enterprises Attract High-level Talents & With Talents in Quanzhou Private Enterprises as Example

  7. 一部颇具价值的写作学理论著作&《汉文典·文章典》评介在文典传授和技能训练中,注重培养人才的伦理道德素质。

    A Valuable Theory Book For Writing Course They laid particularly stress on cultivating the morality of the talent by teaching the ancient books and records and the skill training .

  8. 晋商不仅开创了历经百年的字号,而且在经营过程中所形成的职业道德、行业体制和人才管理伦理观更是惠及当代,影响深远。

    In the course of running business , Shanxi merchants not only create the name of a shop lasting for a century , but also form beneficial work ethic , industry system and talent management ethics which have a far-reaching influence on the contemporary era .

  9. 第三,人才使用和培养伦理思想。

    The ethical idea of use and training of talent .