
rén ɡōnɡ zhào mínɡ
  • Artificial lighting;artificial illumination
  1. 人工照明对于室外环境有着重要而特殊的意义。

    Artificial illumination is of special significance to outdoor environment .

  2. 它无需天然的或人工照明就能检测威胁,而且能在各种天气环境中工作。

    It detects threats without natural or artificial illumination and works in all types of weather .

  3. 过去300年以来,我们一直将0.7%的GDP花在人工照明上。

    For the past 300 years we 've consistently spent just about seven-tenths-of-one-percent of our gross domestic product on artificial lighting .

  4. 一位名叫ThomasA.Wehr的精神病专家在位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的国家心理卫生研究所工作,他做了个实验,实验中处在没有人工照明环境中。

    In a fluke of history , Thomas A. Wehr , a psychiatrist then working at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda , Md. , was conducting an experiment in which subjects were deprived of artificial light .

  5. IDA理事长斯科特卡德尔(ScottKardel)相信,自人工照明设备发明以来不断变得更加明亮的世界,如今即将迎来一个历史性时刻&重新拥有真正的黑夜。

    Scott Kardel , IDA managing director , believes that the world , which has become ever brighter since the invention of artificial lighting , is approaching a historic turn back towards darkness .

  6. 人工照明所消耗的电能在年发电量中占很大的比重。现在常见的各种节能灯具的节能电压普遍都要低于城市电网提供的220V交流电压。

    The electricity which consumed by illumination takes a great percentage in the generating capacity every year . The common energy saving lamps usually works less efficient under 220 volts .

  7. 目前仅有一种理论表明,人工照明可以吸引虫子。

    One theory suggests that only man-made , artificial lights attract bugs .

  8. 始终在日光或有足够的人工照明情况下操作。

    Always mow in daylight or with sufficient artificial lighting .

  9. 给舞台演出或电影放映提供人工照明的工具。

    Apparatus for supplying artificial light effects for the stage or a film .

  10. 住宅书房人工照明环境的研究

    A Study on the Artificial-Lighting Environment for Residential Study

  11. 管理自然光线可以减少您的人工照明(冷却)需要显着。

    Managing natural lighting can cut your artificial lighting ( and cooling ) needs significantly .

  12. 隧道人工照明是隧道通行安全的重要保障。

    Tunnel artificial lighting is an important guarantee for the safety of the tunnel driving .

  13. 他沿着有人工照明的走廊朝部门办公室走去。

    They walked along the corridor , with its artificial lighting , towards the Department office .

  14. 家居宜用浅色调:墙面刷成浅白色,所需人工照明少。

    Lighten up : paint your walls a pale color , so you need less man-made light .

  15. 必须设有有效率的通风设备并提供有效果的照明–包括自然和人工照明。

    Efficient ventilation and effective provisions for lighting , whether natural or artificial , must be made .

  16. 有效利用自然光,节省人工照明用电已成为当前追求“绿色建筑”目标的一项具体措施。

    The utilization of daylighting to save artificial lighting is a way to realize the goal of'Green Building ' .

  17. 由于人工照明光源的固有特性,其光输出中都存在着一定的频闪。

    Due to the intrinsic characteristics of artificial lighting source , its light output in all exists certain stroboscopic .

  18. 本文以夜间我国居住区边界内室外人工照明环境中的不利因素为研究对象。

    This study was designed to evaluate the harmful factors of outdoor lighting environment in cities residential area of China .

  19. 这不仅可以节约人工照明的成本,甚至可以用在太阳能窗户上。

    This could save on the costs of artificial lighting , and may even have use in solar cell windows .

  20. 本文结合厦门市夜景观总体规划实践,在城市夜景观含义及系统建构上,贯穿城市设计理论与人工照明原理,探讨城市夜景观总体规划理论框架和规划方法。

    This paper discusses the framework and planning method of the urban illumination based on the urban design and illumination principles .

  21. 人工照明高峰储蓄通过置换通风系统的使用来供给暂停的高强度,低能耗的向上的照明器。

    The height saved through the use of a displacement ventilation system is used to accommodate suspended high-intensity , low-energy uplighters .

  22. 理由是它能鼓励人们在夏天时待在户外久一点,因此能少用人工照明。

    The reasoning goes that it encourages people to stay out later in the summer and thus use less artificial lighting .

  23. 住宅人工照明光环境的控制质量因素研究了人工照明光环境的控制方式、照明控制点的布置以及照明场景转换对视觉与心理产生的影响;

    The aim of artificial lighting luminous environment intelligent control in the house is to create a high quality artificial lighting luminous environment .

  24. 如果您不选择人工照明的办法,而又想在室内展示您的植物的话,您可以选择植物轮换法。

    If artificial light is not an option and you would like to display your plant indoors , plant rotation is the answer .

  25. 如何把照明的智能控制技术和提高人工照明光环境质量有机地结合是本文研究的主要内容。

    How to integrate organically lighting intelligent control technology and artificial lighting luminous environment quality being improved is the main study content of this thesis .

  26. 对运动图像的采集和处理算法进行了研究,分析了在人工照明、室内、动态情况下,适用于田间杂草识别的图像处理算法。

    The parallel and fast algorithms about capturing and processing dynamic images of infield weed detection were studied under the lighting , indoor and dynamic conditions .

  27. 自然采光及人工照明良好、空间大、明亮有良好的隔断,保证员工的工作环境安静、舒适。

    Natural lighting and artificial illume is good , the space is large , bright , good partition , ensure employees working environment quiet and comfortable .

  28. 视觉方面的另一新奇之处在于,人眼可以适应环境,创建自己的白光参考,即使在低照明或者人工照明的情况下也是如此。

    Another visual novelty is that our eyes adjust to the viewing environment , always creating their own reference for white , even in low-lighting or artificial-lighting situations .

  29. 人工照明中,技术策略的主要集中在光源和照明模式的选择上,同时应考虑补偿自然光不足的控制系统。

    Artificial lighting , the technology strategy focused on the choice of light source and lighting model , taking into account the natural light , inadequate compensation control system .

  30. 经研究发现:住宅书房中的人工照明要根据不同的活动场景和使用功能要求采用适宜的照度水平。

    By this research we found that the proper illuminance levels should be adopted to artificial lighting according to the various activities and the various function in the residential study .