
  • 网络Asia Pacific Foundation;Asia-Pacific Foundation;Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
  1. 亚太基金会首席执行官胡元豹说,这表明中国依然是加拿大公司在亚洲的头号投资市场,而加拿大公司对亚洲其他地区的投资兴趣也在加强。

    Yuen Pau Woo , CEO of Asia Pacific Foundation said this showed that China remains Canadian companies'top investment market in Asia , but they are increasingly interested in other parts of Asia .

  2. 这是因为根据加拿大亚太基金会(asia-pacificfoundationofcanada)发布的调查显示,只有18%的加拿大人支持中国国有企业收购加拿大公司的控股权益。

    That is because only 18 per cent of Canadians are in favour of a Chinese state-owned company buying a controlling interesting in a Canadian company , according to a survey published by the Asia-Pacific foundation of Canada .