
  • 网络Aden;aden port
  1. 但是我看不见什么,就是丕林岛也没有看到这岛是英国政府拿来使亚丁港的防卫更加巩固的。

    But I didn 't see a thing , not even Perim Island where the British government built fortifications to strengthen Aden 's position .

  2. 也门在亚洲西南,阿拉伯的南部,处于阿拉伯海、亚丁港和红海的边缘,西临阿曼,南接沙特阿拉伯。

    Yemen is in Southwest Asia , in the south of Arabia , bordering the Arabian Sea , Gulf of Aden , and Red Sea , west of Oman and south of Saudi Arabia .

  3. 香港特区继续与有关贸易伙伴合作,共同打击非法转运纺织品。也门共和国亚丁港集装箱中转站运输系统规划研究

    The HKSAR continued to co-operate with relevant trading partners with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of action taken to combat illegal transhipment of textiles . Research for Container Terminal Transportation System on Port of Aden , the Republic of Yemen