
yún tūn
  • wonton
  1. 马克思·冈萨雷斯是这只京巴犬的主人,他在云吞还是幼崽的时候创立了这个Instagram账号,估量着他的新宠物会变得如何受欢迎。

    His owner , Max Gonzalez , created the Instagram account when Wonton was apuppy , anticipating how popular his new pet was going to be .

  2. 不过为什么法国的云吞是黑色的?

    But why do French eat the black one ?

  3. 再配上青豆菠菜意式云吞做为配料,美味十足;

    Coupled with lima-bean and spinach , and Italian-wanton , the flavor is rich .

  4. 压薄的面皮便可以用来制作面条和云吞皮。

    The thin flour can be made into noodles or wanton skin that have special elasticity .

  5. 这位疼爱云吞的主人每日都给它顺毛,还经常用一辆定做的推车带他的爱宠与“味增汤”散步。

    The doting owner brushes Wonton daily and often takes his beloved pet and Miso for walks in acustomisedstroller .

  6. 首先餐厅提供不同种类的鱼,大虾,鸡,羊和有趣的意式鲜贝云吞。

    First offered were a variety of Fish , Prawns , Chicken , Lamb , and an interesting Scallop Ravioli .

  7. 镜头继续拉远,之后核弹爆炸,4个巨大的蘑菇云吞没整个地图。

    Keeps zooming out , then the nukes set off with 4 mushroom head explosions starting to cover up the whole map .

  8. 上汤云吞是一只来自波士顿的可爱京巴犬。它以一身长而蓬松的毛发走红网络。

    Wonton Soup , an adorable Pekingese dog from Boston , has taken the Internet by storm for his long , furry coat .

  9. 这只一岁的狗狗还经常和它的新哥们“味增汤”合照。照片中的云吞每天去沙滩上冒险,在花园里撒欢跑或是在屋子里恣意走动。

    The one-year-old dog , who is also often photographed alongside his new brother Miso Soup , is snapped on daily adventures to the beach , frolicking in the garden or relaxing around the house .

  10. 第二天早晨,我和婆婆到镇上有名老字号云吞店吃云吞,味道还是和我小时候和婆婆来吃时的味道一样。

    The next moring , grandma and I had the most famous breadfast in the town , the taste was as same as many years ago , when I was only a kid at the age of4 .