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  1. 最后,分别拟合叶片点云和量规点云为NURBS曲面和圆柱体曲面。

    Finally , NURBS surface is fitted by point cloud of the blade and the cylinder surfaces are fitted by point cloud of gauges .

  2. 再次感谢云为素食及广大热心人士的支持和帮助!

    Thank you to Yunwei Vegetarian Foods again for their support !

  3. 学生:那么什么类型的云为地球降温?

    Student : So which type of clouds cools Earth ?

  4. 目前阿里云为第三方企业处理网络流量。

    It now handles web traffic for third-party companies .

  5. 理解您选择该类型的云为所需的原因。

    Understand the choices when it comes to selecting the type of cloud you need .

  6. 他们在那里的时候,蘑菇云为1939年的预言交上了答卷。

    While they were there , the mushroom cloud fulfilled the wilder prophecies of 1939 .

  7. 今天的云为基础的服务依赖于这些不具备处理服务器端多态性恶意软件校验。

    Today 's cloud-based services rely on checksums which are not equipped to deal with server-side polymorphic malware .

  8. 萨蒂亚谈论的一个主题是,我们如何在一个以移动为本、以云为本的世界生活。

    One of the things that Satya talks about is how we 're living in a mobile-first , cloud-first world .

  9. 私有云为企业提供安全工作的环境,因此许多公司正在计划实施私有云。

    Private clouds provide a secure business environment to the enterprise , so many companies are planning to implement private clouds .

  10. 并以提取出的建筑物屋顶点云为研究对象,提出基于激光雷达点云的建筑物三维重建方法。

    Based on the extracted building top point cloud , a method of 3D building reconstruction from LiDAR data is presented .

  11. 以激光-机器视觉测量方式得到的曲面数据云为基础,探讨基于给定精度的曲面密集散乱数据点群的数据压缩以及几何建模方法。

    An method is presented to reduce scattered data and construct geometric modeling based on data cloud which measured from the laser-machine-vision measuring system .

  12. 以线激光&机器视觉测量方式得到的曲面数据云为基础,探讨了曲面密集三维散乱点群数据的分割技术。

    An algorithm is presented to model the dense 3D scattered data measured from the curved surfaces by taking advantages of Line-Laser Vision System ( LLVS ) .

  13. 苹果公司已经在个人电脑,音乐播放器,智能手机和平板电脑上兑现这一宗旨,而现在转向到云为基础的服务(见文章)。

    Apple has done this with personal computers , music players , smartphones and tablet computers , and is now moving into cloud-based services ( see article ) .

  14. 这种转变要求公司重新考虑他们的业务组织,并通过一些新的思路思考以云为中心的IT世界中的服务交付。

    This transition is forcing companies to rethink their business organization and to develop new ways of thinking about the delivery of services in a cloud-centric IT world .

  15. 我们一直说以移动为本、以云为本,也许可以换一种表述方式,那就是“设备和服务”。

    I mean , I think obviously we 've been saying for a while this mobile-first , cloud-first ... " devices and services " is maybe another way to put it .

  16. 产生于以云为基础的分析能力:知道你每天要睡多少小时;或是从大数据中得到建议:应当何时入睡,应当设置几点的起床闹钟,这样是不是更加有用?

    Comes from the cloud-based analytics : is it more useful to know how many hours you slept or to get big-data based suggestions as to when you should go to sleep and when you should set your alarm ?

  17. 我们如何从顾客出发,并为顾客创造一套他们在这个以移动为本、以云为本的世界真正想要的产品?如何提供独特的差异化产品?

    And then , how do we embrace customers and build the set of products that they really want in this mobile-first , cloud-first world , and provide a uniquely differentiated offering that we think only we can provide ?

  18. 论文以区间云和综合云为理论基础,分别给出了两种决策模型,并在第三章的基础上,研究了专家群体评价意见一致性问题,最后给出了相应的实证研究。

    Based on the " interval cloud " and " integrated cloud ", two decision-making models are proposed . Based on the third chapter , the consistency of expert group evaluation is researched , and corresponding empirical research is proposed finally .

  19. 在对不同的3D形状表面重建的技术进行研究以后,提供了把一个非组织的点云转换为一个稳定的多边形模型的全过程。

    After reviewing the different 3D shape techniques for surface reconstruction , this paper reports the full process of converting an unorganised point cloud into a constant polygonal model .

  20. 以云计算为核心,打造传统有线网、无线网、和物联网三网融合的应用,使人们可以获得无处不在、无所不能的Internet服务与体验。

    With cloud computing at the core , building convergence of a traditional wired network , wireless network and the Internet of Things , people can get the ubiquitous , all-powerful Internet services and experience that they crave .

  21. 于是,领英、Facebook之类的公司就可以以云数据为指引、通过针对性的广告和服务来赚钱,同时为用户提供好处作为回报。

    Companies such as LinkedIn and Facebook then make money by targeting advertisements and services , guided by the clouds of data , with users offered benefits in return .

  22. 云计算为海量数据的查询处理提供了强大的计算能力和存储能力,能够有效解决海量数据的Skyline查询问题。

    Fortunately , cloud computing provides the powerful computing ability and storage ability for the mass data processing , which can efficiently deal with the Skyline query .

  23. 具体的改进方案为:首先,以云理念为指导,结合交付环境在IBM产品上的实际需求,设计并实现服务部署、服务销毁以及服务监控功能。

    Specific methods are as follows : Firstly , based on the cloud concept , considering the real requirement of the IBM products , the service delivery environment with deployment , destruction and monitoring functions , is designed and implemented .

  24. 云木香为菊科植物木香AucklandiaLappaDecne的干燥根,是重要的中药材和香料植物。

    Radix Aucklandia , the roots of Aucklandia Lappa Decne , a plant of compositae , is an important traditional Chinese medicine and a raw material of perfume .

  25. 对长100m的管内甲烷和空气爆炸威力进行了预测,当气云长为10m时,最大压力发生在轴向55m处,可达323kPa。

    In addition , the power of methane / air cloud explosion in 100 m tube was forecasted , when the length of cloud was 10 m , the greatest pressure could reach 323 kPa at the point of 55 m from ignition .

  26. 公共云尝试为使用者提供无后顾之忧的IT元素。

    Public clouds attempt to provide consumers with hassle-free IT elements .

  27. 云计算为获得大规模计算能力提供了一致的访问途径。

    Cloud computing offers consistent access to large-scale computing capabilities .

  28. 云计算为我们提供了非常不同的场景

    Cloud computing presents us with a very different scenario

  29. 基于模糊集的云理论为研究图像模糊纹理提供了新的理论依据,将其引入到遥感图像处理领域是一种创造性的应用。

    Cloud theory based on fuzzy sets gives a new idea for processing fuzzy RS image .

  30. 在坍缩过程中,暗云碎裂为一批稠密的团块。

    During collapse , the dark cloud " fragments " into a series of dense clumps .