
guāi qiǎo
  • clever;cute;lovely
乖巧 [guāi qiǎo]
  • [clever] 机灵

  • 匡超人为人乖巧,在船上不拿强拿,不动强动,一口一声,只叫老爹。--《儒林外史》第十五回

  • [cute;lovely] 合人心意;讨人喜欢

  • 多么乖巧的孩子

乖巧[guāi qiǎo]
  1. 蝉是一种非常乖巧的小虫。

    The cicada is a clever little insect .

  2. 她是个聪明乖巧的姑娘。多向她学吧,安妮。

    She 's a good , clever girl . Try to be like her , Anne . '

  3. 与大多数女儿相比,她并不算太难管,而且比我知道的一些要乖巧得多。

    She 's been no more difficult than most daughters and a sight better than some I could mention

  4. 对于个人态度的任何乖巧的变迁,特别是在紧急关头,他早有准备,是能够料想得到的。

    He was ready for and expectant of any queer shift in an individual 's attitude , particularly in time of panic .

  5. 每条小狗都很生动,每只鸽子都很乖巧。每个早晨都要这样,虽然我已经不同以往,总是幻想奇遇,总是渴望付出烈火般的激情,又总是被乖戾的现实玩耍,被今天这难得的天气从狂热中唤醒。

    Every morning I do the same thing , although I am now different from before , always dreaming of unusual encounters and always wishing to inspire fervent from fanatical visions by such unusual weather , like today .

  6. 由于B先生为人处事的乖巧和干劲,他能成功地完成困难任务。

    Because of his tact and energy , Mr.B can accomplish difficult tasks with success .

  7. 我们互通了几次电子邮件,决定打个电话详谈。在电话中,我对皮克尔斯有了更深的了解——它友好又乖巧,受到过良好的管教,虽然只有五个月大,却已经是久经Bark’N’Borrow流程的“老将”了。

    After a few emails , we agreed to talk by phone.During our phone call , I learned more about Pickles - who is friendly , well-behaved , housebroken and , at the tender age of five months , already a veteran to the Bark'N " Borrow process .

  8. 该项在线调查由专门调查名人及品牌的E-Poll市场调查公司开展,共有1107名儿童参加。调查主要为了了解儿童对于乖巧和淘气的理解,以及他们认为谁该入选圣诞老人今年的“两榜”。

    The online survey of 1107 children was conducted by E-Poll Market Research , which specializes in celebrity and brand research , to gauge children 's attitudes about nice , naughty , and the seasonal question of who makes Santa 's list .

  9. 我们认为亚洲小孩都很听话,很乖巧。

    We think that Asian kids are very obedient and quiet .

  10. 尼克叔叔乖巧得很,没有捅破这层假象。

    Uncle Nick was tactful enough not to shatter this illusion .

  11. 她在表达自己的想法时,至少可以说,不够乖巧吧。

    She lacked tact to say the least in expressing herself .

  12. 她是一个令人印象深刻而机灵乖巧的小朋友。

    She was an impressive young girl , beautiful and charming .

  13. 她老爸在的时候,爱丽丝总是表现得很乖巧。

    Alice always behaved very well when her father was around .

  14. 星期日出生的孩子漂亮,愉快,乖巧又有朝气。

    Sunday 's child is bonny , blithe and good and gay .

  15. 他是个非常乖巧、非常特别的男孩。

    He 's a very sweet very special boy .

  16. 你还不像你自己想的那样乖巧。

    You are not so cute as you think .

  17. 谁能拒绝那些乖巧可爱、用豆豆填充的小动物呢?

    Who could resist those cute , bean-filled animals ?

  18. 你一直是一个乖巧的小女孩。

    Are you always such a good little girl .

  19. 你要学会如何做一个乖巧的宠物。

    You learn how to be a good pet .

  20. 那就恰恰证明她比你乖巧。

    That just proves she 's smarter than you .

  21. 老先生和老夫人被她的乖巧骗住了。

    The old lady and gentleman were taken in by her cordial ingenuity .

  22. 你得要承认你很乖巧。

    You got to admit you are whipped .

  23. 他一头灰发,谈吐乖巧伶俐,举止小心翼翼。

    He was a grey-haired man , with a plausible voice and careful manners .

  24. 他的律师哈巴·斯达格看上去很乖巧,狡黠。

    His lawyer , Harper Steger , looked very shrewd and canny to them .

  25. 不会生一堆乖巧的犹太孩子。

    Not gonna have those nice Jewish kids .

  26. 达尔文派的人虽然乖巧,但充其量只是一只剃掉毛的猴子。

    Darwinian man , though well-behaved , at best is only a monkey shaved .

  27. 在大部分的时间里我非常的安静,而且也很乖巧。

    I 'm pretty quiet most of the time , and very well behaved .

  28. 用她乖巧的小鼻子闻着

    Smells everything with his little cute nose .

  29. 她的耐心和乖巧是出了名的。

    Her patience and tact are legendary .

  30. 两个小家伙一直兴奋又乖巧的守在厨房边。

    Two little guys have been excited and unobtrusive the guard at the kitchen side .