
  1. 近日,中国官方媒体新华社在中国东部浙江省乌镇举行的第五届世界互联网大会上,首次启用了人工智能(AI)新闻主播。

    China 's state-run news agency Xinhua debuted its first artificial intelligence ( AI ) news anchors at the ongoing fifth World Internet Conference that kicked off in Wuzhen , east China 's Zhejiang Province .

  2. 乌镇距离电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)总部不远。他表示,许多国际政要以及中国三大互联网企业——百度(Baidu)、阿里巴巴和腾讯(Tencent)——的董事长都同意参加此次大会。

    Key government figures , as well as the chairmen of China 's three largest companies - Baidu , Alibaba , and Tencent - had all agreed to attend , he said .

  3. 除了仰光,在美丽的茵莱湖(InleLake)附近,娘乌镇(NyaungShwe)的大集市上亦有极好的鱼板面,但这个集市五天才有一次。

    Far from Yangon , there is outstanding mohinga at the main market in Nyaung Shwe , near beautiful Inle Lake - but only every five days ;

  4. 浙江省地方官员称赞WIC给乌镇、给整个浙江省的经济发展带来了变化。

    Local officials from Zhejiang Province praised the changes the WIC has brought to Wuzhen and provincial economic development .

  5. 上周,谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(SundarPichai)在乌镇举行的年度中国互联网大会上讲话时说,在帮助中国企业寻找海外客户方面,谷歌的业务很强劲。

    Last week , Sundar Pichai , Google 's chief executive , spoke at China 's annual internet conference in the city of Wuzhen , saying the company did robust business helping Chinese firms seeking customers abroad .

  6. 乌镇,正逐渐成长为一个世界的旅游品牌。

    Wuzhen , is gradually grown into a world tourism brand .

  7. 那当地的老百姓为了纪念他,就把这儿取名叫乌镇。

    To commemorate him , local people named the place Wuzhen .

  8. 第一届互联网大会于去年11月在乌镇举办。

    The first WIC was held in Wuzhen in November last year .

  9. 有了水阁,乌镇的气质更为悠雅;

    With Shuige , Wuzhen Yau temperament is more elegant ;

  10. 有了水阁,乌镇的历史添了一份委婉;

    With Shuige , Tim has a history of Wuzhen copies of euphemism ;

  11. 乌镇同样有丰富的夜生活。

    Wuzhen has plenty of night life as well .

  12. 乌镇历史悠久,是典型的江南文化古镇。

    Wuzhen has a long history , is a typical southern cultural town .

  13. 本月,中国将在乌镇举行为期两天的互联网发展论坛。

    China will hold a two-day forum on Internet Development in Wuzhen this month .

  14. 有了水阁,乌镇的风貌更有韵味;

    With Shuige , Wuzhen style more flavor ;

  15. 乌镇民俗风情浓郁,是反映江南水乡生活的活化博物馆。

    Wuzhen rich folk customs , reflecting the activation of Jiangnan Water Life Museum .

  16. 乌镇位于中国经济强省浙江。

    Wuzhen is located in Zhejiang province , an economic powerhouse in East China .

  17. 浙江嘉兴附近的乌镇,具有浓烈的水乡风味。

    Watery town Wuzhen near Jiaxing , Zhejiang is very typical of Jiangnan taste .

  18. 东大街自古以来就是乌镇一个繁荣昌盛的商业中心。

    East Street has been a prosperous business center of Wuzhen since ancient times .

  19. 乌镇的水阁正已它独特的韵味受到越来越多的人的喜爱。

    Wuzhen is a Shuige its unique charm has been more and more people 's affection .

  20. 乌镇水乡风貌完整,保持了完整的江南水乡格局。

    Wuzhen Water Village style integrity , and maintain a complete pattern of Yangtze River Delta .

  21. 这批香客涌进乌镇,大大催化了当地的香市。

    This group of pilgrims poured into Wuzhen much a catalyst for a local incense city .

  22. 如今,乌镇不仅保留了“长街宴”的传统,菜品也比过去更丰富了。

    Today , the " long street banquet " is still held in Wuzhen town with more splendid dishes .

  23. 乌镇自古名人辈出,为后人留下了宝贵的精神财富。

    Wuzhen has been home to famous people since ancient times , who left valuable spiritual wealth for posterity .

  24. 乌镇有6万人口,尽管其中只有12000是常驻居民。

    Wuzhen has a population of 60000 , although only 12000 of these are believed to be permanent residents .

  25. 乌镇古镇得到了有效保护,在保护与开发中求得了持续和谐发展。

    Wuzhen Town have been effectively protected , obtained in the protection and development of sustainable and harmonious development .

  26. 乌镇,一个令无数人魂牵梦萦的江南水乡。也是我们此次文化之旅的目的地。

    Wuzhen , one of the most beautiful east southern Chinese riverside towns is the destination of our journey .

  27. 在过去的一千年里,乌镇从未改变过它的名字、水系或是生活方式。

    Over the past thousand year Wuzhen has not changed its name , water system , or way of life .

  28. 乌镇位于浙江省北部,这个美丽的水乡就是众多古镇之一。

    Situated in the north of Zhejiang Province , the beautiful water town of Wuzhen is one of those ancient towns .

  29. 而如今,乌镇又将拥抱当代艺术,于2016年3月27日首度推出全球当代艺术展。

    But now , the water town is embracing contemporary art by holding its first International Contemporary Art Exhibition beginning March 27 .

  30. 在即将举办的“中国乌镇·围棋峰会”中,柯洁将与“阿尔法狗”展开三番对决。

    At the Future of Go Summit in Wuzhen , China , Ke will face off against AlphaGo in a three-game match .