
  • 网络the chinese aesthetics
  1. 这种生活方式对于中国美学具有重要影响。

    This life style made an important influence on Chinese Aesthetics .

  2. 中国美学“内省”审美意识的文化阐释

    The Cultural Interpretation of " Introspective Consciousness " in Chinese Aesthetics

  3. 现代汉语与中国美学史写作

    Modern Chinese and the Writing of the Aesthetic History of China

  4. 本文属于中国美学思想史研究。

    The paper aims at exploring Chinese historical aesthetic thoughts .

  5. 这些都对中国美学产生了重大影响。

    All of these have great influence to Chinese aesthetics .

  6. 21世纪中国美学理论发展前瞻

    Anticipation of the Development of Chinese Aesthetics Theory in the 21st Century

  7. 自由主义与20世纪中国美学精神

    Liberalism and Chinese Aesthetic Spirit of the 20th Century

  8. 它在中国美学史上具有独到的地位,是一个充满激情的美学反思时期。

    It was a period of aesthetic introspection full of passion and enthusiasm .

  9. 20世纪后期中国美学概观

    A Survey of Chinese Aesthetics in Late 20th Century

  10. 朱熹美学思想与中国美学精神

    Zhuxi 's Aesthetic Thought and the Chinese Aesthetic Spirit

  11. 中国美学史研究的现状及反思

    On the Present Situation and Reflection of the Study of Chinese Aesthetics History

  12. 我的中国美学史理念

    My Viewpoints on the History of the Chinese Aesthetics

  13. 言意之辩与中国美学

    On Debate between Language and Meaning and Chinese Aesthetics

  14. 包管万虑其名曰心&浅论中国美学心化思维的艺术表现及其文化根源

    The Embodiment of Xin Hua Thinking in China 's Arts and Cultural Origin

  15. 佛教的顿悟说进一步加强了中国美学的直觉感悟色彩;

    Its insight theory has strengthened coloring of intuitive cognition in China 's aesthetics .

  16. 中国美学史是中国美学一个相对独立的研究领域。

    A History of Chinese Esthetics is a relatively independent field of Chinese Esthetics .

  17. 气论与中国美学的生命精神

    Theory of Qi ( Vital Energy ) and the Life Spirit of Chinese Aesthetics

  18. 20世纪中国美学界发生过三次大的学术论争。

    The 20 th century has witnessed three major polemics over aesthetics in China .

  19. 中国美学百年祭

    Commemoration on Chinese aesthetics in 20th century

  20. 魏晋美学是中国美学史上最重要的一个单元。

    The aesthetics of Wei-Jin dynasties is the most important part in Chinese aesthetic history .

  21. 十七世纪,是中国美学思想发展的一个重要转折时期。

    17th Century is an important turning point for the development of Chinese Aesthetics Thoughts .

  22. 中国美学现代性的伦理话语是个体主义与普遍主义的统一形态。

    The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics .

  23. 重生的哲学与中国美学精神

    Revival Philosophy and Chinese Aesthetic Spirits

  24. 中国美学史与中国史学史

    Chinese Aesthetic History and Chinese Historiography

  25. 在非主流中发现中国美学

    Developing the Non-mainstream Esthetics in China

  26. 中国美学民族特点的形成与这一命题有密切关系,它对中国美学的历史发展也有影响作用。

    The forming of the national characteristics of Chinese aesthetics is closely related to this proposition .

  27. 他是中国美学史上,最早明确地用价值论的观点论述美学根本问题的学者。

    He was the first scholar who distinctly analyzed essential questions from the value 's perspective .

  28. 严羽的妙悟说在中国美学史上起到了承前启后的重要作用。

    Yanyu 's " MiaoWu " theory played a successively important part in Chinese aesthetics history .

  29. 明清美学是中国美学之集大成者,是中华古典美学的最后一次高峰。

    Aesthetics in the Ming and Qing Dynasty was the last peak of Chinese classical aesthetics .

  30. 在中国美学史上,“趣”是一个使用范围十分宽泛、地位极其重要的理论范畴。

    In the history of Chinese esthetics ," Qu " is an important widely-used theoretical category .