
  1. 开放环境下中国大型客机研制的技术集成模型

    Technology integration model for manufacture of Chinese huge - airliner under open circumstance

  2. 波音(Boeing)执行副总裁拉里•迪肯森(LarryDickenson)在另一次采访中也预计,中国对更大型客机的需求正在上升。

    In a separate interview , Larry Dickenson , Boeing executive vice-president , also predicted increasing Chinese demand for bigger aircraft .

  3. 目前,一架中国制造的大型客机正在山东进行试飞。

    A Chinese-made large passenger jet is now in Shandong to conduct test flights .

  4. 机舱设计能容纳100名乘客,这也是中国研制出大型客机的首次尝试。

    The aircraft , designed to carry up to100 passengers , also represents China 's first attempt to develop a large-scale passenger aircraft .

  5. 大型客机制造公司正式揭牌成立,这是中国制造本土大型客机项目中的关键一步。

    A company to build large passenger aircraft was unveiled , a key step forward in the country 's ambitious project to produce homemade jumbo jets .