
  • 网络China Dairy Industry Association
  1. 每天一斤奶不是梦&访中国乳制品工业协会理事长宋昆冈

    Half Kilogramme Milk Everyday Is not Dream

  2. 以诚信和规则构筑中国的乳品工业&中国乳制品工业协会宋昆冈理事长访谈

    Construct the dairy industry of China with sincerity and rule

  3. 2001中国乳业提速第一个国际牛奶日前访中国乳制品工业协会理事长宋昆冈闽台乳业现状及福建省乳业发展的思考

    International Milk Day in China Current situation of milk industry in Taiwan and Fujian and thinking on the development of milk industry in Fujian