
chéng xiàng
  • prime minister
丞相 [chéng xiàng]
  • [prime minister] 古代辅佐君主治理国家政务的职位最高的大臣

丞相[chéng xiàng]
  1. 经过十余年的苦心经营,诸葛亮终于登上了丞相的宝座。

    Zhuge Liang became the prime minister through elaboration over ten years .

  2. 皇帝听了丞相关于布料的汇报很高兴。

    The Emperor was pleased by what the Prime Minister told him about the cloth .

  3. 曹丕在丞相司马懿的支持下建立了魏朝。

    Cao Pi established the Wei Kingdom with the support from General Sima Yi .

  4. 皇统八年(1148年),升为右丞相。

    Royal Commission for eight years ( 1148 ), promoted to prime minister is right .

  5. 皇帝想了一会儿,就决定派他的老丞相去看那块布料。

    The Emperor thought a while and decided to send his old Prime Minister to see the cloth .

  6. 刘禅答应了他的请求,但仍然让他负责丞相的事务。

    Liu Chan complied , but still let him be in charge of the affairs of a prime minister .

  7. 这个“文丞相胡同”,就是以南宋丞相文天祥之名命名的。

    " Premier Wen hutong " was named after a famous premier , Wen Tianxiang , in Nansong period .

  8. 唐朝有个大臣叫李义甫,他很会奉承别人,所以他的官作得越来越大,一直作到了丞相。

    So his official position was raised higher and higher . At last , he was made the prime minister .

  9. 到杨溥在位时,丞相徐温等立杨溥为天子,国号吴。

    After that Yangpu was made to be Emperor of Wu by Xu Wen , his chancellor , with the State title Wu .

  10. 他带了几个官员,其中包括被派去看过布料丞相和官员,一同前往。

    He took with him a few of his officials , including the old Prime Minister and the official who had already been there .

  11. 论文艺发展的因革复变律汉武帝时期丞相频更因由之分析

    On Literary Developing Law of Inheritance and Innovation Analysis of the Causes for the Frequent Changes of Prime Ministers in the Reign of Emperor Wudi

  12. 和女真的作战可能的成功却威胁了宋高宗以及他的丞相秦桧的权力。

    The possible defeat of the Jurchens however threatened the power of the new emperor of the Southern Song , Gaozong and his premier Qin Hui .

  13. 丞相职责的变化和三公名称的由来都受到天人感应思想的影响。

    The change of duty on prime minister and the origin of Three-Duke ' name were influenced by the theory of interaction between heaven and mankind .

  14. 西汉王朝建立后至后期,中枢官僚机构发生了重大变化,丞相制向三公制转变。

    The backbone bureaucracy has a tremendous change which the system of prime minister has transfer to the Three-Duke from the foundation to later stage of Western Han Dynasty .

  15. 便笑着对赵高说:丞相搞错了,这里一只鹿,你怎么说是马呢?

    So he said smilingly to Zhao Gao : Mister Prime Minister , you are wrong . This is a stay . Why do you say it is a horse ?

  16. 新近发现的元末丞相许有壬所写《大元本草序》记载了有关这部书的一些珍贵资料。

    However , some precious material is put down in the recently discovered Preface to the work written by the prime minister Xu Youren towards the end of the Yuan Dynasty .

  17. 1069年,宋神宗作为一个想要找到统治国家方法的帝王,命副丞相王安石实行变法。

    In 1069 , Song Shenzong , Emperor who was eager to find the way of governing the country , appointed Wong Anshi , vice prime minister , to carry out reform .

  18. 曹丕信任和器重司马懿,封他为河津亭侯,后任丞相长史。

    Cao Pi had a great trust in Sima Yi and titled him Lord of Hejin Precinct . Later in his career , Sima Yi was appointed as Senior Assistant to the Prime Minister .

  19. 秦二世时,丞相赵高野心勃勃,日夜盘算着要篡夺皇位。

    In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty ( 221-207 B.C. ), the prime minister Zhao Gao , obsessed with ambitions , was planning to usurp the throne day and night .

  20. 二人定眼一看,不是别人,正是丞相诸葛亮。二人急忙下马行礼。

    The two generals fixed their eyes upon the person . It was the Prime Minister of the Shu State , Zhuge Liang . The two generals got down from their horses hastily and saluted .

  21. 尽管历史上是否真的存在这个人还是个疑问,但诸葛亮和柯宇倒是有个共同点:和丞相一样,据说这位农民也对独轮车的制作流程守口如瓶。

    Although his existence is questionable , there is a common thread between Jugo and Ko : Like the general , the farmer is said to have kept the wheelbarrow secret by describing it in code .

  22. 景帝借机进一步削弱诸侯王的权力,减缩王国的政权机构,降低王国官职的等级,改丞相为相。

    Taking advantage of this victory , the emperor took steps to relieve the princes of their administrative powers , reduce the numbers of officials in the principalities and change the title of their prime ministers to ministers .

  23. 秦相邦与丞相之关系及相关问题辨析皇帝听了丞相关于布料的汇报很高兴。

    Differentiation of the Relationship Between and Related Problems of " Xiangbang " and " Chengxiang " as Official Titles in the Qin Dynasty The Emperor was pleased by what the Prime Minister told him about the cloth .

  24. 马王堆取名为汉墓是因为西汉早期长沙国丞相利苍和他的家人葬于此地。

    The reason why it is called a Han tomb lies in that the Mawangdui was burial ground of Li Cang , Chancellor to the prince of Changsha state in the early western Han dynasty and his family .

  25. 影片以野心勃勃的丞相曹操(张丰毅饰)挟天之以令诸侯,镇压割据南方的宿敌刘备和孙权(张震饰)为开始。

    The epic opens with ambitious Prime Minister Cao Cao ( Zhang Fengyi ) browbeating the emperor of Han into authorizing a campaign to crush his enemies , Liu Bei and Sun Quan ( Chang Chen ) in their southern strongholds .

  26. 统一中国后,秦始皇和丞相李斯通过了一系列旨在巩固统一大业的主要改革措施。他们还进行了一此巨大的建设工程,其中最著名的就是今长城的前身。

    Having unified China , he and his prime minister Li Si passed a series of major reforms aimed at cementing the unification , and they undertook some gigantic construction projects , most notably the precursor version of the current Great Wall of China .

  27. 根据《史记》的记载,秦始皇吞并齐国并一统中国之后,他的丞相李斯建议压制演讲的自由,统一思想和政见。

    According to the Records of the Grand Historian , after the First Emperor of Qin annexed the State of Qi and unified China in 221 BC , his Chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing the freedom of speech , unifying all thoughts and political opinions .

  28. 乌龟丞相、虾兵蟹将们都急得团团转,但谁也想不出办法来阻止秦始皇赶山填海。这只蟹不仅丢了兵器,大概还会有更多的不测。

    His retinue of crustacean ministers and generals were as alarmed as he but none could come up with any plan to stop the First Emperor from moving the mountains into the seas . This crab has lost his weaponry and is about to lose even more .

  29. 宋朝王安石(1021-1086)为丞相时,曾托路过三峡的苏轼带一坛中峡之水到东京。

    Story has it that in the Song Dynasty when Wang Anshi ( 1021-1086 ) was prime minister he had once asked the poet Su Dongpo who was sailing down the gorges to bring him a clay jar of water from the middle one of the three gorges .

  30. 马王堆汉墓位于湖南省长沙市东郊,是西汉初期长沙国丞相、软侯利苍及其家人的坟墓。

    The Han tombs at Mawangdui is located at the eastern suburb of Changsha , the capital of Hunan Province . The owners of the tombs are the Chancellor of Changsha Kingdom in the early Western Han Dynasty , the Marquis of Dai , Li Cang and his family .