
  • 网络East Hampton;Easthampton
  1. 2005年他与妻子四处找寻退休后的住所,最终在东汉普顿(EastHampton)“安营扎寨”,这座邻近东汉普顿的小岛上共住有36人。

    Looking for a home to retire to in 2005 , he and his wife ended up with a house in East Hampton and - as you do - a neighbouring island that sleeps 36 .

  2. 再次说说东汉普顿,所罗门也许正把同年龄段的婴儿潮一代人(babyboomer)带入科技为依托的家租新时代,但他不会在上述网站上招租自家的小岛豪宅。

    Back in East Hampton , Solomon may be leading fellow baby boomers into a new dawn of technology-enabled home rental , but that is one site that he won 't be using to list his island .

  3. 纽约州东汉普顿市一位身穿SCBA的消防队员在汽车火灾中使用一个工具时,被吞没在烟雾中。

    An East Hampton , New York firefighter wearing SCBA is engulfed in smoke as he uses a tool at a car fire .

  4. 这位成长于纽约东汉普顿区,毕业于普林斯顿大学(Princeton)的作家曾是一家数据存储公司的销售人员,之后还开过一家运动营养品公司。2007年,他出版了《每周工作四小时》(The4-HourWorkweek)。

    The East Hampton , N.Y. - raised , Princeton-educated author once worked in sales at a data storage company before starting a sports nutrition supplement company and penning The 4-Hour Workweek in 2007 .

  5. 根据西雅图房价估算网站Zillow的数据,去年东汉普顿、纽约市和比弗利山庄的房价上涨10%左右。

    Property prices in East Hampton , New York City and Beverly Hills were up about 10 percent last year , according to Zillow , a Seattle-based site that estimates home values .

  6. 还是愿意为他远嫁东汉普顿?

    Or marrying him and moving to East Hampton a lot ?

  7. 我要在这儿和东汉普顿取水样。

    I 'll take water samples here and in East hampton .

  8. 我们将去东汉普顿过夏天。

    ' 'we ''are going to spend the summer in East hampton .

  9. 我有一张从纽约到东汉普顿的乘车证。

    I have a pass to go from New York to East hampton .

  10. 途中他把车停在了东汉普顿机场。

    stopped his car at the East Hampton Airport .

  11. 警方称今天早些时候她从东汉普顿的一家高档酒店离开

    Police report the socialite was last seen leaving an exclusive east Hamptons Inn earlier today .

  12. 烟雾弥漫的房间里,纽约州东汉普顿市一位消防队员通过窗口灯光形成的侧影。

    An East Hampton , New York firefighter in a smoke-filled room is silhouetted by window light .

  13. 他本来试图在东汉普顿机场降落,但是飞机已经开始向下俯冲。

    He had been attempting to land at the East Hampton Airport when the plane began to nosedive .

  14. 白天建筑火灾现场,纽约州东汉普顿市的消防队员从烟火上方的云梯消防车中展开行动。

    East Hampton , New York firefighters operate out of a tower ladder above the smoke and flames at the scene of a working daytime structure fire .