
  1. 鄂东南铜绿山矿田矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及其地质意义含金夕卡岩矿床产出构造环境和地质地球化学评价标志

    Re-Os dating of molybdenite from Tongl ü shan ore district in southeastern Hubei Province , Middle-Lower Yangtze River belt and its geological significance TECTONIC ENVIRONMENT AND GEOLOGICAL GEOCHEMICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA OF Au BEARING SKARN DEPOSITS

  2. 电磁测深在鲁西地区绿岩带型金矿勘探中的应用鄂东南铜绿山矿田矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及其地质意义

    APPLICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC MEASUREMENT TO GOLD DEPOSIT EXPLORATION IN GREENSCHIST BELT OF WESTERN SHANDONG Re-Os dating of molybdenite from Tongl ü shan ore district in southeastern Hubei Province , Middle-Lower Yangtze River belt and its geological significance

  3. 九华历来被推为“东南第一山”。

    The mountain is thus famed as the " no.1 mountain in Southeast china " .

  4. 鄂东南低山丘陵区水旱灾害成灾机理的研究

    Study on the Mechanism of Flood & Drought Disaster in the Low Mountains and Hill District in Southeast Hubei

  5. 鄂东南低山丘陵区不同植被演替阶段土壤微生物与土壤养分研究

    Microbial Biomass and Nutrients in Soil at the Different Stages of Secondary Forest Succession in Southeast of Hubei Province

  6. 我国东南低山丘陵区土地粮食生产潜力研究&以桂林市为例

    A study on land potential of food production in low mountains and hills of Southeast China ─ a case study in Guilin City

  7. 东南极格罗夫山GPS控制网的布设与数据处理

    The establishment of GPS control network and data analysis in the grove mountains , East Antarctica

  8. 东南极格罗夫山泛非期麻粒岩相变质作用

    Pan-African Granulite Facies Metamorphism in the Grove Mountains East Antarctica

  9. 东南极格罗夫山地区夏季的天气特征

    Summer weather characteristics of grove mountain area in East Antarctica

  10. 东南极格罗夫山变基性岩初步研究

    Preliminary study on metamorphic basic rocks in the Grove Mountains , East Antarctica

  11. 东南极格罗夫山萨哈罗夫岭漂砾暴露年龄初探

    Preliminary study on the erratic exposure ages of grove mountains , east Antarctica

  12. 东南极格罗夫山地区是由我国科学家最新发现的南极内陆冰盖陨石富集地。

    Antarctic Grove Mountain is a newly found Antarctic inland meteorites trap by Chinese scientists .

  13. 麦积山石窟在甘肃天水县东南的麦积山上。

    The Maijishan Grottos are situated in the Maiji Mountain , southeast of Tianshui County in Gansu Province .

  14. 东南极格罗夫山地区新生代冰碛岩(物)中孢粉的发现及其意义

    Preliminary study on the spore-pollen assemblages found in the Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in grove mountains , East Antarctica

  15. 本文报道了在中国东南地区女山、桂子山、西垄和麒麟等地新生代玄武岩中新发现的麻粒岩相捕虏体。

    This study presents the petrological and mineralogical characteristics of granulite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in Nushan , Guizishan , Xilong and Qilin , Southeastern China .

  16. 这些漂砾彼此相隔较远并有许多填隙泥。东南极格罗夫山萨哈罗夫岭漂砾暴露年龄初探

    The boulders are quite widely separated and much interstitial mud is visible . PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE ERRATIC EXPOSURE AGES OF GROVE MOUNTAINS , EAST ANTARCTICA

  17. 东南沿海低山丘陵区土地利用结构的地域分异研究&以温州市为例

    Study on division of regional land use structure in the coastal area of low mountains and hills in southeastern china & a case study in Wenzhou City

  18. 其中临海县干旱最为严重。浙西(金华、衢州)等周围的内陆丘陵盆地区为干旱的主要地区,其次是东南沿海丘陵山地区和西南地区。

    The west Zhejiang Province ( including Jinghua and Quzhou ) which is inland hills is the main drought region , the secondary drought regions are south-east coast hills and south-west part .

  19. 东南极内陆格罗夫山地区基岩暴露年龄研究

    Bedrock exposure ages in the grove mountains , interior East Antarctica

  20. 滇东南岩溶地区石质山封山育林效果初探

    Effect of Closing Hillsides to Facilitate Afforestation at Stony Hillsides of Karst Area in Southeastern Yunnan

  21. 浙东南丘陵、低山,栲、细柄蕈树林分区。

    District of hills and low height mountains of Southeast Zhejiang Province , Castanopsis and Alttngia forest .

  22. 对地处山西东南部的历山国家级自然保护区的虫生真菌种类资源及其杀虫活性作了初步的研究。

    The resources and pathogenicity of entomogenous fungi in Lishan National Nature Reserve in the southern east of Shanxi Province were studied .

  23. 东南部的大烟山国家公园并不是因其烟雾而名,其实它也是众多被空气污染问题严重困扰的公园之一。

    Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the Southeast wasn 't named for its smog , but it is one of many parks seriously affected by the problem .

  24. 远景构想:随徐州中心城区逐步向东南拓展,吕梁山风景旅游区逐步成为“城市花园”,风景资源保护与高强度使用需求之间的矛盾逐渐凸显。

    Long-term vision : with the central city of Xuzhou gradually expanding to the southeast , Luliang Mountain scenic tourist area will gradually become a " City Garden " .

  25. 东南部的澳大利亚山是澳大利亚最高的地带,其最高点是科西阿斯科山(2228米)。

    The mountain of Australia in the southeast is the highest area of Australia , its peak is the west department mountain then of A of a department ( 2228 meters ) .

  26. 区域性的特定致灾因子耦合形成了鄂东南区域水旱灾害孕灾的基础,人口与经济的增长及其引发的生态环境的恶化则是鄂东南低山丘陵区水旱灾害成灾的关键因素。

    The regional FDD is based on the coupling of the regional natural disaster-making factors , and with the eco-environment deterioration caused by the increase of the population and economy as its key factor .