
  • 网络Dongguan Street
  1. 大连东关街走过百年沧桑,这里曾经历过战争洗礼,朝代更替,也曾沦落为殖民地。

    Dongguan Street in the city of Dalian had survived wars , colonization , and changing regimes throughout the 20th century .

  2. 在扬州东关街更新的实践中采取了一些先进的做法,对今后历史街区更新中的公众参与具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。

    There are some advanced measures taken in Yangzhou Dongguan street renovation which should be in guidance of other historical district renovation .

  3. 但有环境保护工作人士认为,东关街应该作为文化遗产保留下来,并将现状归结于政府疏忽。

    But conservationists argue the neighborhood should be protected as a cultural heritage site , blaming its present condition on the government 's neglect .

  4. 20世纪20年代,东关街兴旺发达,山东人举家搬迁,寻找富裕生活。

    The neighborhood sprang to life in the 1920s as families from eastern Shandong province in the search for a better life starting moving in .

  5. 触摸老街脉搏,体味古韵重塑&扬州东关街历史文化街区(核心区)保护与整治之思考

    Touching the Pulse of Old Street and Appreciating Ancient Charm Reshaping : Reflection on the Conservation and Renovation of Dongguan Historical and Cultural District ( Core Precinct ) in Yangzhou City

  6. 东关正街历史街区现在是汉中历史文化名城的有机组成部分。

    Nowadays it is an organic and integral part of the historical and cultural city of Hanzhong .

  7. 然后对街区内的街巷空间形态、院落空间形态和居住生活形态进行深入的研究,同时给出合理客观的现状评估及东关正街历史街区现存的主要问题。

    Further researching on the street space form , the courtyard spatial form and inhabitants ' living life-style , at meantime , bringing out a reasonable and objective assessment of the recent status , and the existing problems of Dongguan Main Street Historic District .