
  • 网络Dongxiang County
  1. 东乡县水资源现状评价

    The Estimation on the Present State of Water Resources in Dongxiang County

  2. 东乡县河滩镇是全州发展花椒较早的乡镇,也是东乡县花椒的重点发展区和主产区。

    Dongxiang County riverside town is the state 's early development of the township pepper , pepper Dongxiang County , is the key development areas and the main producing areas .

  3. 本论文通过对甘肃临夏东乡县S小学课堂物质环境的建设的调查,了解民族地区课堂物质环境建设的现状及途径。

    This thesis tries to make a systematic investigation on Classroom Substance environment in Dong Xiang of Iinxia , and to comprehend the situation of the Classroom Substance Environment construction .

  4. 本文在概述东乡县产业技术发展现状的基础上,初步分析了造成该县产业技术发展迟缓的原因,提出了实施产业技术跨越的新思路。

    The essay shows the foundation of the development of industrial technology in Dong Xiang County . It also analyses the reasons why industrial technology developed slowly in the county as well as suggesting new ideas to be carried out to make industrial technology step farther ahead .

  5. 东乡族自治县地方课程目标初探

    First Exploration on the Local Course Target in Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County

  6. 甘肃省东乡族自治县自然条件恶劣,以苦瘠甲天下著称。

    The natural conditions of Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu Province are abominable , famous for " being arduous " .

  7. 所以,为了深入了解民俗对基础教育教学活动的影响,我们选择了东乡族自治县作为本研究的案例。

    So , in order to have a better understanding of the influence of the folk custom on the fundamental education and its teaching activities , we select the Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County as the case for study .

  8. 第六章是本文的总结与进一步深化的部分。在本章中,笔者进一步分析了东乡族自治县农村医疗救助的重要性,并对当地农村医疗救助工作又好又快的发展,提出了对策及建议。

    In this part the author analysis the significance of rural medical assistance in Dongxiang Ethnic Group Autonomous County , and points out some suggestions and countermeasures to be taken in order to sound and fast development of rural medical assistance .