
  • 网络patent act;patent law
  1. 对专利申请进行调查和报告使其符合专利法案的要求。

    Investigates and reports on patent applications to assess their compliance with the requirements of the Patents Act .

  2. 向印度国会提交一份专利法案的计划已经被孟买恐怖袭击推迟了,很可能推迟到明年。

    Plans to present a patent bill to India 's parliament have been delayed by the Mumbai terror attacks , possibly until next year .

  3. 让我们通过专利改革法案,让我们的商界长期专注于创新,不为毫无必要却花销巨大的诉讼分神。

    And let 's pass a patent reform bill that allows our businesses to stay focused on innovation , not costly , needless litigation .

  4. 在奥巴马的支持下,美国专利发明保护法案即将签署通过,并入法律。

    With Barack Obama supportive , this means the America Invents Act could soon be signed into law .