
  1. 基于BP神经网络的高校3种专利授权量预测研究

    The Forecast Research of Three Invention Patents Authorization of Colleges Based on BP Network

  2. 2007年发明专利授权量,占发明专利授权量的40.4%。

    The invention patents authorization of2007 account for40.4 % .

  3. 山西省专利授权量比较分析

    Comparison Analysis of Shanxi Patent

  4. 专利授权量连续14年居全国首位,发明专利授权量首次跃升至全国首位。

    The number of patent grants ranked first in China for14 straight years and the number of Invention Patent grants jumped to the first place for the first time .

  5. 在内部影响模型中,专利授权量和研发人员数量与研发支出存在正相关关系,但影响程度较小。

    In internal influence model , the patent grants and the number of R D personnel are positively correlated to R D expenditures , but the impact is a lesser extent .

  6. 我国国内技术供给能力在不断增强,但是还存在R&D投入不足、国内专利授权量较低、技术引进与消化吸收比例严重失调、科技成果转化率低等问题。

    But there exist questions such as insufficient R & D investment , low patent authorization quantity , undue proportion in technology introduction to its assimilation , and low conversion ratio in science technology production .

  7. 以科技活动人员人均科技经费内部支出以及科技活动人员人均专利授权量这两个指标作为技术进步的代理变量,实证分析了我国金融发展对技术进步的影响作用。

    Technological activities to internal expenditures per capita Technology and technological activities of these two patents granted per capita indicators as a proxy for technological progress , empirical analysis of financial development on the role of technological progress .

  8. 我国的专利申请量和授权量快速增加,三种专利的内在结构比例日渐完善。

    In China , patent application and granted patent has been growing quickly and the inner construction of three kinds patent is highly upgraded .

  9. 结果表明,学校近年来专利申请量和授权量呈现大幅度增长势头,2005-2007年专利申请量占全部申请量的40.6%;

    The result shows that the amount of patent application and authorization increased rapidly , patent applications of2005-2007 account for40.6 % of the total application .

  10. 基于空间自相关分析方法,对中国2005-2007年专利受理量和授权量的全局和局部空间关联特性进行了分析。

    By using the method of spatial autocorrelation analysis , the global spatial autocorrelation and the local spatial autocorrelation of accept and authorization quantities of patents in China were analyzed .

  11. 1996年以来,重庆专利受理量和授权量有一定增长,但增长速度明显减缓,且发明专利授权量增长缓慢,与上海相比无论是总量上还是增长速度上都有巨大差距。

    Since 1996 in Chongqing , the quantity of patents authorized and accepted increased but the speed is obviously slow . There is a big gap of total authorized quantity and increasing speed between Shanghai and Chongqing .

  12. 国外在中国的电子产品专利中,发明专利授权量高于国内,形成在电信技术、基本电子元件领域在国内的技术法权垄断。

    In the Electronic products patent of China abroad , the authorizing amount of the patent for invention is higher than our country , the technological right at home is monopolized to take shape in the telecommunication technology , basic electronic element .

  13. 本文通过对包括医药行业在内的四个高技术产业进行分析,得出医药行业的专利效率较高,以及专利授权量越高对此行业的销售收入贡献越大的结论。

    In order change the weak consciousness of intellectual property in pharmaceutical enterprises , the article analyses four kinds of high-tech fields and comes to the conclusion that the patent efficiency in pharmaceutical industry is higher and the more number of authorized patents , the more sales .

  14. 根据印度专利局最近公布的报告,印度专利待授权量出现猛增。

    However , there does seem to have been a surge in the number of patents being granted , if recent reports are correct .

  15. 发明专利、比较优势、授权差距&基于中国国内外发明专利授权量比较分析

    Invention Patent , Comparative Advantage and Patent Gap : A Comparative Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Invention Patent Grants in China

  16. 根据统计,从2004年到2009年,台州市专利申请受理量从4834项增加到8806项,专利申请授权量从2136项增加到8145项。

    From 2004 to 2009 , patent application quantity accepted of Taizhou has increased from 4834 items to 8806 items , and patent application quantity granted has increased from 2136 items to 8145 items .