
  • 网络SSSRI
  1. 介绍交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所最近开发的船模快速性试验分析计算程序系统。

    This paper introduces a computer program system for powering performance prediction which has recently been developed in SSSRI on the bases of three former sets of programs used on VAX computer .

  2. 本论文所研究的课题是上海船舶运输科学研究所承接的科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项资金项目《集成平台管理系统》(IntegratedplatformManagementSystem,IPMS)的一个子课题。

    This paper is originated from " Integrated Platform Management System " ( IPMS ) carried on by Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute , supported by special fund for research institutes supplied by the Ministry of Science and Technology .

  3. CDJ-5型电磁计程仪是交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所获得船舶检验局认可证书的第二项产品。

    CDJ-5 Electromagnetic Log is the second product of SSSRI that has got the approval certificate of ZC .

  4. 交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所接受委托,对规划船型的操纵运动方程进行了仔细研究。

    SSSRI was commissioned to carry out detailed research on the manoeuvring motion equations for projected ship types .

  5. 本文介绍了交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所与安徽省交通厅共同研制的内河侧壁式气垫船。

    This paper gives a description of the river sidewaller developed jointly by SSSRI and Communications Bureau of Anhui Province .

  6. SHC型水位自动测报系统由上海海监局海测大队与交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所等单位共同开发和研制。

    SHC type wa - ter level automatic measuring and reporting system was developed , researched and produced jointly by Shanghai Harbour Superintendence Administration and SSSRI .