
  • 网络Shanghai Academy of Science & Technology
  1. 无论是卫星和火箭,是由上海科学院航天技术领域,附属于中国航天科技集团公司。

    Both the satellite and the rocket are developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology affiliated to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation .

  2. 上海社会科学院欧亚研究所;

    Hu Jian , Reseach Fellow , Institute of Eurasian Studies , Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences .

  3. 上海社会科学院传统中国研究中心成立于2005年3月,是上海社会科学院直属研究中心之一。

    The Traditional China Studies Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences was founded in March , 2005 , and is under the direct leadership of SASS .

  4. 一位上海社会科学院房地产研究员,陈泽明说,北京的紧缩政策没有达到预期的效果,市场是不是还在考虑价格。

    Chen Zeming , a property researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences , said Beijing 's tightening policies were not having the desired effect and the market was instead still deciding prices .

  5. 在高考中,男孩的成绩往往落后于女孩,根据上海社会科学院2012年的一项研究,男女生从小学三年级开始,就出现学习成绩的差异。

    Boys consistently trail girls on college entrance exams , and disparities in academic achievement emerge as early as third grade , according to a 2012 study by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences .

  6. 上海社会科学院的研究员杨雄(音译)认为,中国经济的发展导致社会道德标准逐渐松绑,这是造成这一趋势的原因之一。

    According to Yang Xiong , a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences , one reason for this trend is that China 's economic development has led to a gradual easing of moral standards in society .

  7. 上海社会科学院城市与人口发展研究所副主任周海旺称,发生这种转变的原因是如今的年轻人接受了更好的教育。

    Zhou Haiwang , deputy director of the Institute of Urban and Population Development Studies at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences , said one reason for the change is that the young generation has received a better education .

  8. 两年前我毕业于华东师范大学,获得心理学学士学位,目前在上海社会科学院工作,从事少年心理研究。

    Two years ago , I graduated from the East China Teachers university , where I obtained a BA in psychology . I am currently working in the Shanghai Academy of social sciences , engaging in research on juvenile psychology .

  9. 学生们毕业后如果还想维持恋情,就必须确保他们拥有相同的人生观、价值观以及人生理想。上海社会科学院的婚姻专家徐安琪说。

    " If students want to maintain a relationship after graduation , they must make sure that they share the same philosophy and values , and that they have the same aims in life ," said Xu Anqi , a marriage expert at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences .

  10. 上海市农业科学院生物技术研究所;

    Biotech Research Institute , Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences ;

  11. 上海教育科学研究院研究员卢静也同意这一观点。

    Lu Jing , a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences , agreed .

  12. 上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所,上海;

    Institute for Agri-food Standards and Testing Technology , Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Science , Shanghai ;

  13. 方法:选取2根直径5μm碳纤维(中科院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所提供)。

    METHODS : Two 5 μ m diameter carbon fibers were selected ( provided by Department of Neurology , Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences , Chinese Academy of Sciences ) .

  14. 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物信息中心与蛋白质组研究中心将公布我国第一个蛋白质组图谱数据库。

    The first proteomic map database of China will be published by Bioinformation Center and Research Center of Proteomics , Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences , the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  15. Khaytovich在上海生命科学研究院任职,他建议中国应当允许在中国工作三年以上的外国人享受和当地居民一样的社会经济福利。

    Khaytovich , who works for the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences , suggested that China should allow foreigners who have worked in the country for more than three years to enjoy the same social and economic benefits as local residents .

  16. 从1986到1991年,由中华人民共和国国家技术监督局提出的21项食用菌国家标准化项目,已由上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所和商业部昆明食用菌研究所完成。

    From 1986 to 1991 , 21 items of the national edible fungi standardization , which were proposed by the Technical Supervision Bureau of China , were made by Edible Fungi Institute , Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Kunming Edible Fungi Institute of the Ministry of Commerce .

  17. 肌电控制假肢研制成果曾获上海市、中国科学院和国家鼓励。

    The myoelectirc prostheses gained he rewards of Shanghai government , Chinese Academy of Sciences and national government .

  18. 关于生态设计的一次尝试&记上海市建筑科学研究院环境实验楼建筑设计

    On an Attempt to Make an Ecological Design Architectural Design of the Environmental Experiment Centre Building of Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design Research

  19. 来自上海市教育科学研究院的胡瑞文(音译)表示,毕业生将自身定位成社会底层,这也反映出当今市场对于大学生毕业生的需求。

    Hu Ruiwen , from the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences , said that graduates positioning themselves at the lower levels of society is a reflection of the current market demand for college graduates .

  20. 介绍上海市建筑科学研究院和同济大学建筑设计研究院对高层商业楼和高层住宅建筑中,以石膏板取代砖和混凝土作内隔墙材料的研究结果。

    This paper introduces the research results of plasterboard used as interior partition instead of brick and concrete on high-rise commercial and residential buildings , which have been conducted by Shanghai Building Scientific Research Institute and Tongji University Building Design & Research Institute .

  21. 去年12月,由上海大学和上海社会科学院联合推出的一份调查报告问及:如果穿越到过去,最你想回到哪个朝代?

    Which dynasty would you like to live in if you could travel to the past ? asked a survey jointly launched by Shanghai University and Shanghai Social Sciences Association last December .