
  1. 这家小餐厅格局依稀有些威尼斯酒吧的味道,所用的食材都是日本北部三陆海岸地区的海产。它的环境轻松随意,有一种自助的气氛,让人想起纽约的布什维克。

    Modeled vaguely on a Venetian wine bar and boasting fish from the Sanriku Coast region of northern Japan , the tiny restaurant has a cheerfully casual D.I.Y. atmosphere that channels Bushwick .

  2. 室内装修仿效维也纳海鲜餐馆,酒单上有很不错的意大利酒品,然而它超级新鲜而极具创意的海鲜却全部来自东京北部的三陆海岸。

    The place is modeled loosely on a Venetian fish restaurant and has a decent Italian wine selection , but the superfresh and very creative dishes are straight from the Sanriku Coast , north of Tokyo .