
  1. 本文论讨了Internet计算模式的三个发展阶段和它的特征,并分析了Internet计算模式的技术、结构和应用方面的特点。

    The three phases and the features of Internet computing are presented and the characteristics of the technology , architecture and applications of Internet computing are analysed .

  2. 同时,基于现有的ETA技术特点,提出ETA的概念模型和系统的三个发展阶段,分析和总结了ETA的一般设计原则和要求,为ETA设计和开发提供了的必要的基本信息。

    Meanwhile , the conception model about ETA and its three development phases are introduced , some design principles are also showed in detail .

  3. CN集团公司自成立以来,经过了三个发展阶段,从政府机构转为市场化经营,又实现了集团化扩张,企业规模不断扩大,实现了快速发展。

    Since CN Investment Group Company founded , after three historical stages . From public sector turn to the property market companies , Realize collectivization expansion , The enterprise scale unceasingly expands .

  4. 由于各历史时期经济环境的变化,ALM先后经历了资产管理、负债管理、资产负债管理三个发展阶段。

    Due to the changing of the economic environment in the passed years , ALM has gone through three development stages that are asset management , debt management and asset liability management .

  5. l、论文归纳了高等教育公平观的三个发展阶段,即特权(权力)公平阶段、能力公平阶段、权利公平阶段。

    The thesis has summed up three development phases of the idea of higher education equity : privilege ( power ) equity phase , ability equity phase and right equity phase .

  6. 随着通信的发展,对UPS提出了更高的要求,本文介绍了UPS功能变化经历的三个发展阶段和存在的问题。

    Along with the development of the correspondence , put forward the higher request to the UPS , this text introduced the stage in three developments that UPS function variety experience with the existent problem , and from now on the UPS power supply system develop facing two directions .

  7. 接着重点以CCTV-9为例分析了中国英语媒体的现有问题及其在新世纪以来的发展动态,最后提出中国英语媒体未来的三个发展趋势。

    Then taking CCTV-9 as the example , the paper analyses the present problems and developments of China 's English-media in the new century ; finally it discusses three development trends of China 's English-language media .

  8. 关于联合国第三个发展十年的新的国际发展战略

    New international development strategy for the third United Nations development decade

  9. 塑料压力管道的三个发展阶段

    The Three Stages in the Development of Pressure Plastics Pipes

  10. 人类学科文化经过了三个发展阶段,第一阶段以古希腊为代表,哲学和学科关系较为平衡。

    The discipline culture of mankind has experienced three stages .

  11. 将近一个世纪以来,它已经历了三个发展阶段、两次飞跃。

    It has gone through three stages and two leaps in this century .

  12. 十年来安徽扫盲运动经历了三个发展阶段。

    Ten years to anhui literacy movement has experienced three stages of development .

  13. 奈达翻译理论始自上世纪中叶,主要经历了三个发展阶段。

    Since the1950s , nida 's translation theory has roughly experienced three main stages .

  14. 这三个发展阶段与我国经济、科技发展期所对应。

    The three development periods have reflected the economical and scientific and technological developments .

  15. 无产阶级专政的三个发展公式透析

    An Analysis of the Three Formulas for the Development of the Theory of Proletarian Dictatorship

  16. 生态文化的发展,主要分为古代、近代和现代三个发展阶段。

    Eco-cultural development is divided into ancient , modern and contemporary three stages of development .

  17. 摘要:欧洲大都市政府自上世纪60年代以来,经历了三个发展时期。

    Abstract : since1960s , metropolitan governments in Europe have experienced three stages of development .

  18. 20世纪的亚洲体育经历了三个发展阶段,即从初步兴起到磨合发展、到崛起的历史过程;

    In 20 century Asian sports experienced three phases : initial form ; running-in development ;

  19. 我市的房改工作是1988年开始起步的,经历了三个发展阶段。

    Our work is the housing reform in1988 started , experienced three stages of development .

  20. 目前,视频监控已经经历了三个发展阶段,有着几十年的发展历史。

    Video surveillance has entered into the third stages , after decades of development history .

  21. 在这三个发展阶段中,不断有学者发表文章参与讨论。

    In these stage , many scholars are participated in it through published their papers .

  22. 经济发展水平决定了信用发展的阶段性,信用经历了三个发展阶段:局部区域的诚实守信为主的阶段;

    Economic development decides the credit development .

  23. 理性看待中国21世纪城市发展&关于三个发展阶段目标的战略思考

    Urban Development in 21st Century : Some Strategic Consideration on the Development Targets in Different Stages

  24. 机械补偿法变焦镜头三个发展阶段的概况和发展方向

    General Situations of Mechanical Compensation Zoom Lens in Its Three Development Phases and Its Developing Direction

  25. 第二章考察了马克思意识形态理论的三个发展阶段。

    The second chapter studies the 3 stages of the development of the Marxist theory of ideology .

  26. 美国的高校教师体制经历了从不稳定到稳定,以及新的终身制后评审制变革三个发展阶段,呈现出发展的钟摆性。

    American faculty system has experienced three stages : from non-stability , stability , to post-tenure review .

  27. 本部分采用叙事研究的方法分别叙述处于三个发展阶段的教师专业成长中的故事。

    This part recounts the three stages with the professional development for teachers from the narrative perspective .

  28. 从2000年起,开始走出低谷,恢复并有可能进入第三个发展期。

    From 2000 , the modern hotels begin to resume and perhaps come into the third period .

  29. 英语进行体经历了古英语,中世纪英语和现代英语三个发展阶段。

    The progressive aspect has experienced a development process from Old English , Middle English and Modern English .

  30. 历史时期,长江三角洲地区经济发展,具有与人口增长基本同步的三个发展时期。

    The historical economic development in Changjiang Delta can be divided into 3 phases with simultaneous population growth .