
zī yá
  • snag;open the mouth and show the teeth
龇牙[zī yá]
  1. 她虚伪地龇牙笑了一笑。

    She had a cheesy grin on her face .

  2. 该报告的数据采集自超过8.6亿QQ用户,他们认为“龇牙”表情礼貌、可爱而又友好,因而是网上搭讪的不二之选。

    The report was based on the data of more than 860 million QQ users , for whom means polite , cute , and friendly , and has become the best way to say hello when chatting online .

  3. 不能咬人就别龇牙。

    If you can 't bite , never show your teeth .

  4. 他朝我龇牙一笑,好像彼此会心领略一个笑话。

    He grin at me , as if sharing a secret joke .

  5. 此时的小虎只会本能地紧鼻龇牙,面露凶相,并以尖声的吼叫吓退来犯者。

    Baby tiger at this stage will instinctively bare its teeth , tighten its nose and bark to scare off invaders .

  6. 放松下巴、前额和嘴唇的肌肉来保持沉着冷静、然后龇一龇牙。

    Relax the muscles in your jaw , forehead , and lips to keep cool , then eke out a grin .

  7. 极端情况下,如果狗狗极度焦虑,就会龇牙,或者咬人,但是科伦博士说还有“更微妙的迹象”表明它也许非常难受。

    At an extreme end , when a dog is especially anxious it bares its teeth or may bite , but Dr Coren said there are ' subtler indicators ' that it may be uncomfortable .

  8. 报告还显示,国人平均每天打开微信14.5次,每天使用社交媒体的时间是48分钟,使用最多的表情符号是“龇牙”。

    The report also indicated that Chinese people check their WeChat 14.5 times on average and spend 48 minutes on social media per day . " Grin " is the most frequently used emoji by Chinese .