
  • 网络Philippine flying lemur;Cynocephalidae;cynocephalus;lemur
  1. 科学家在六只飞鼯猴背上安装了加速度计。

    The scientists placed accelerometers onto the backs of six compliant colugos .

  2. 鼯猴的趾间甚至都有膜。

    Colugosare even webbed between their toes .

  3. 数据报显示每只飞鼯猴平均一个夜里要滑翔1/4英里。

    The data packs revealed that each colugo glided an average of a quarter-mile each night .

  4. 鼯猴并不是狐猴,但鼯猴科的四个物种是灵长类动物最近的亲戚。

    The flying lemur is not alemur , but the four species of Cynocephalidae are the closes trelated family to primates .

  5. 因此研究人员用飞鼯猴——一种来自东南亚的哺乳动物,当它们滑行时会伸展出四肢,变成一张巨大的翼膜。

    So researchers tested that idea using colugos - mammals from Southeast Asia that turn into giant skin sails when they stretch out their legs .

  6. 这是因为飞鼯猴在准备滑行之前要爬上高高的树,并且爬行比行走更耗体力。

    That 's because colugos prepare for a launch by climbing higher up the tree . And climbing 's a lot more strenuous than walking .

  7. 鼯猴利用它们的翼膜在树之间滑翔,该翼膜是它们前后肢之间并一直延伸到尾部和颈部的片状悬垂物。

    Colugos glidebetween trees using their patagium , or flaps of skin between their front and hind legs and extending to the tail and the neck .
