
  • 网络Black Brant;Branta;Brant;brent
  1. 比普通黑雁小的欧洲鹅;在很远的北方繁殖。

    European goose smaller than the brant ; breeds in the far north .

  2. 比普通黑雁小的欧洲鹅;

    European goose smaller than the brant ;

  3. 一只孤独无伴的雌性加拿大黑雁鸣叫了一声,警告别人不要靠近它的巢。

    A lone mother Canada goose honked a warning to stay away from her nest .

  4. 天主变成人,人变成鱼,鱼变成黑雁,黑雁又变成堆积如山的羽绒褥垫。

    God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose becomes featherbed mountain .

  5. 这是红胸黑雁,母亲当然是雁。

    They are red-breasted geese , and their mother is a goose .

  6. 那儿有一只黑额黑雁。

    There is a goose out there .

  7. 据澳大利亚商人查尔斯黑雁说,高速火车标志着不愉快旅行的结束。

    For Australian businessman Charles Brent , the bullet train marks an end to ghastly road trips .

  8. 突然,它们从高空向下飞去,最后将那只冻僵的黑额黑雁团团围住了。

    Suddenly they floated from the top of the sky downward and at last surrounded the frozen goose .

  9. 傲慢的天鹅对众多的黑额黑雁表现出一种冷漠,或者?乎以说是一种蔑视。

    And there is , between the arrogant swans and the prolific geese , an indifference , almost a disdain .

  10. 看到这种场景,我的朋友满心恐惧,担心那只一息尚存的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔。

    Seeing this , my friend feared what life it still had might be pecked out by those great swan bills .

  11. 原来天鹅们将那只冻在冰上的黑额黑雁围住了,我的朋友担心那只命在旦夕的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔。

    As the swans surrounded the frozen goose , she feared what life it still had might be pecked out by those great swan bills .

  12. 镜筒中,她看到一只硕大的黑额黑雁,它一动不动,翅膀紧紧地收合在身体两侧,双脚已经被冻在冰里。

    Into their sights came the figure of a large Canada goose , very still , its wings folded tight to its sides , its feet frozen to the ice .

  13. 黑额黑雁认识这个地方。紧贴着切萨皮克湾的浪尖飞入海港的白天鹅和野鸭子们也知道这里。

    The Canada geese know this place , as do the white swans and the ducks who ride an inch above the waves of Chesapeake Bay as the skim their way into harbor .

  14. 打死了一两只像黑雁那样的海鸟带回家,可又不想吃鸟肉,就又煮了几个鳖蛋吃,味道挺不错。

    I kill 'd a sea fowl or two , something like a brand goose , and brought them home , but was not very forward to eat them ; so I ate some more of the turtle 's eggs , which were very good .