
  • 网络Yellow fever virus;YFV;Flavivirus
  1. 黄热病病毒的实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法研究

    Detection of yellow fever virus by real time RT-PCR

  2. 目的制备乙型脑炎病毒(JEV)与黄热病病毒(YFV)联合诊断基因芯片。

    Objective To fabricate microarray for detection of Japanese encephalitis virus and yellow fever virus .

  3. 黄热病病毒是一种flavivirus类虫媒病毒,蚊虫是主要媒介。

    The yellow fever virus is an arbovirus of the flavivirus genus , and the mosquito is the primary vector .

  4. 在疫区自然传播的黄热病病毒可能导致这些危险性差异,GACVS认为,对这种可能性的研究非常重要。

    GACVS considered that it would be important to examine the possibility that naturally circulating yellow fever virus in endemic regions may account for some of these differences in risk .

  5. 黄热病病毒检测基因芯片的研究制备

    Preparation of microarrays for the detection of yellow fever virus

  6. 结论基因芯片技术为黄热病病毒检测提供了一种早期、快速、可靠的方法。

    Conclusion Microarray technology provides an efficient alternative for the detection of yellow fever virus .

  7. 伊蚊和吸血蚊属(南美洲才有)几种种属不同的蚊子传播黄热病病毒。

    Several different species of the Aedes and Haemogogus ( South America only ) mosquitos transmit the yellow fever virus .

  8. 某些种属的蚊子是黄热病病毒的贮主,因此根除黄热病并不可行。

    Certain species of mosquitos are the reservoir of yellow fever virus ; thus eradication of yellow fever is not feasible .

  9. 黄热病病毒持续存在于非洲和美洲某些热带地区的蚊子和非人灵长类动物中。

    The yellow fever virus is constantly present in mosquitos and non-human primates in some tropical areas of Africa and the Americas .

  10. 结果大部分黄热病病毒寡核苷酸探针检测出阳性信号,阴性对照和空白对照检出阴性信号。

    Results Positive signals could be detected with the YFV oligonucleotide probes , while the negative signals were detected with negative and blank controls .

  11. 三种可能的疫苗都进入了临床二期研究。科学家不但开发出了常规的减毒活疫苗,也使用了嵌合疫苗,包括一种把黄热病病毒与几个关键的登革热基因结合在一起的疫苗。

    Scientists are persevering with conventional live attenuated vaccines , but also have chimeric candidates , including one that combines a yellow fever virus with several key dengue genes .

  12. 拉沙热很难与引起发烧的许多其它疾病区分,包括疟疾、志贺菌病、伤寒、黄热病和其它病毒性出血热。

    Lassa fever is difficult to distinguish from many other diseases which cause fever , including malaria , shigellosis , typhoid fever , yellow fever and other viral haemorrhagic fevers .

  13. 虽然在墨西哥的低地,感染黄热病和其他病毒的蚊子到处肆虐,但是墨西哥的首都位于较寒冷的山顶平原,至少目前蚊子还无法在那里生存。

    While the lowlands of Mexico are plagued by yellow fever mosquitoes and the viruses they transmit , the country 's capital sits on a mountain plain that has - up to now - been too cold for the mosquitoes .

  14. 黄热病是一种病毒性出血热,通过受感染的蚊子传播给人。

    Yellow fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever transmitted to people by infected mosquitoes .

  15. 黄热病是一种病毒性疾病,见于非洲和美洲的热带地区。

    Yellow fever is a viral disease , found in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas .

  16. 2009年黄热病伙伴关系的一个专家组对黄热病病毒在人类、非人类灵长类动物及病媒中的传播进行了评估。

    An assessment of yellow fever virus circulation in human , non human primates and vectors was carried out in2009 by a group of experts of the Yellow Fever Partnership .