
  • 网络Huanghuai;Huang River and Huai River
  1. REC法鉴定黄淮麦区15个小麦品种的耐热性

    Heat Resistance Identification of 15 Wheat Varieties in Huang-huai Producing Area of Wheat with REC Method

  2. 在黄淮和长江流域,以夏季和春季DTR下降最为显著。

    In Huang-huai and Yangtze River reaches the maximum decreases of DTR are in summer and spring .

  3. 黄淮麦区源库协调的小麦品种千粒重应为38~40g。

    1000-grain weight of cultivars adaptable to the Huang-huai wheat producing area should be in the range of 38 to 40 grams .

  4. 用HSC法分析了1995~1996年度全国黄淮南片小麦联合区域试验9个参试品种的高产稳产性,并与几种常用的统计分析法进行了比较,并进行了有关参数间的相关分析。

    The high and stable yield ability of 9 varieties , attending wheat regional experiment of Southern Huang huai River Valley in 1995 ~ 1996 , was evaluated with the method of HSC and other statistical methods .

  5. SC-2在黄淮未发现。【结论】在黄淮地区检测到7个株系群SC-3~SC-9,发现了1个新株系群SC-10。

    【 Conclusion 】 Seven strains , SC-3-SC-9 , were identified and a new strain group SC-10 was discovered .

  6. 在这个黄淮气旋的北部,云中过冷水含量最大值为0.16g·m-3。过冷水动态制冰技术的应用前景

    The supercooled water content is 0 . 16g . m-3 . Prospects of the dynamic ice-making technique by supercooled water

  7. 根据黄淮麦区的生态特点,研究了冬小麦超高产(hm2产9000kg籽粒)栽培的理论与技术。

    According to the ecological characteristics in the wheat fields of Yellow River and Huaihe River district , the cultivation theory and technique of super high yield of winter whet ( 9000 kg kernel weight per hm 2 ) were studied .

  8. ⑶弱毒株系群SC-1和SC-3在黄淮和长江中下游地区分布较广,强毒株系群SC-8仅在江苏南京发现。

    The distribution of the low virulence strain groups SC-1 and SC-3 were wide in and the Middle and Lower Huang-Huai and Changjiang Valleys , while the high virulence strain group SC-8 was only found in Nanjing , Jiangsu province .

  9. 黄淮气旋降水性层状云系微物理特征的综合分析

    Analysis the Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitable Stratiform Clouds of Huang-huai Cyclone

  10. 黄淮夏大豆超高产育种模式的探讨

    Study on breeding model for super-high yield of summer soybean

  11. 黄淮区主要小麦品种的品质性状和遗传多样性研究以及相关性分析

    Genetic Diversity and Quality Traits of Wheat Cultivars and the Correlation Analysis

  12. 黄淮气旋与山东飞机人工增雨

    Talking about Rain Huang-Huai Cyclone and Artifical Precipitation in Shandong

  13. 黄淮海夏玉米区主要玉米品种多因素综合分析

    Multiple-factor Comprehensive Analysis of Main Corn Varieties in Henan Province

  14. 黄淮夏大豆形态性状的遗传研究

    Genetic Study on Morphological Characters of Soybean in Huang-Huai Valleys

  15. 黄淮海夏玉米的育种目标及品种选育方法改良

    Breeding objective and selecting method improvement of huang-huai-hai summer maize

  16. 黄淮冬麦区旱地区试小麦产量与产量三因素通径分析

    Path Analysis between Yield and Yield Components on Dry-land

  17. 康熙时期黄淮水灾成因探析

    Analysis of flood of the Yellow River and Huaihe River in Kangxi period

  18. 黄淮冬麦区新育成品种的基因型×环境交互效应分析

    Analysis of genotype - environment interactions of Winter Wheat

  19. 黄淮麦区小麦品种演变的辈序分析

    Analysis on Seniority Order of Wheat Variety Changing in Huang Huai Wheat Area

  20. 黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)品质性状多样性分析

    Diversity of Quality Traits Using Wheat Varieties of the Huang-Huai Winter Wheat Area

  21. 黄淮麦区钾高效小麦品种的筛选研究

    Studies on Screening of High Potassium Efficient Wheat Varieties in Huang-Huai Wheat Growing Region

  22. 当前黄淮冬麦区小麦品质性状研究

    Study on the Quality of Wheat Varieties Grown in the Huang-Huai Winter Wheat Area

  23. 适合黄淮冬麦区小麦花药培养的新型癸培养基

    A New Medium Suited for Anther Culture of Wheat in Huang-Huai Winter Wheat Areas

  24. 黄淮平原不同土壤类型不同作物的土壤墒情指标研究

    Research on Indexes of Remote Sensing Soil Moisture for Different Soil Types and Crops

  25. 从郑麦9023看黄淮南片小麦的育种方向。

    Wheat breeding goal for the North regim of Huang Huai from Zheng mai9023 .

  26. 秦岭&黄淮平原过渡带地形对降水影响

    Orographic influence on Precipitation in transitional zone between Qinling mountain range and Huang-Huai plain

  27. 秦岭-黄淮平原交界带热量资源分析

    Analysis on heat resources of transitional zone between Qinling mountain range ano Huang-Huai plain

  28. 黄淮麦区85个小麦品种(系)农艺性状的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis of 85 Wheat Varieties in Huang-Huai Wheat Area Based on Agronomic Traits

  29. 黄淮地区降水极值统计特征的研究

    Statistical Features of Rainfall Extremes in Huang-Huai Area

  30. 黄淮麦区小麦拔节后霜害的风险评估

    Risk Assessment of Frost Damage in Wheat